SUNDAY – SEPT. 15-OPENING DAY 9 a.m.-Jr. Fair Market Steer Showmanship Show-c
- 9 a.m.-Open Class Rabbit Show (Show & Go) – SWP
- 12 noon-Opening Ceremonies -p
- 12:30 p.m.-Jr. Fair King/Queen Contest-p
- 2 p.m.-Parade of Bands-G
- 2 p.m. Adult Tractor Pull
- 2 p.m. Kiddie Tractor Pull-P
- 2:30 p.m.-Open Poultry Show-OP
- 4 p.m.-Jr. Fair Poultry Show-OP
- 4 p.m.-K-9 Demonstration-C
- 5 p.m.-Women’s Skillet Throw -C
- 6:30 p.m.-OSTPA Tractor Pull -G
- 7 p.m.-Jr. Fair Market Steer Show-C
- 7 p.m.-Square Dance/Line Dance P
- Miscellaneous Pictures
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion
- 8:30 a.m.-Jr. Fair Market Lamb Show-C Followed By Jr. Fair Breeding Sheep Show
- 9 a.m.-Jr. Fair Dairy Showmanship
- followed by combined Jr. and Open Dairy Show-C
- 9 a.m.-Jr. Fair Rabbit Show-OP
- 10:45 a.m.-Walk of Honor-Begin at Veteran’s Bldg.
- 12 Noon-Harness Racing (Pari-Mutuel)-G
- 3 p.m.-Jr. Fair Saddle Horse Show-C
- 5 p.m.-Jr. Fair Market Hog Showmanship-SWP
- 6 p.m.-Human Antique Tractor Pull
- 6 p.m.-Jr. Fair Small Animal Costume Contest-OP
- 6 p.m.-Harness Racing (Pari-Mutuel)-G
- 7 p.m.- The Sweet Beats (Beatles Tribute) -P
- Miscellaneous Pictures 1
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion
- (Fun Times in Pavilion 10am-4p.m.)
- 8 a.m.-Draft Horse/Pony Halter Show-C
- 10 a.m.-Jr. Fair Market Hog Show- SWP
- 10 a.m.-Euchre (Age 60 and over)
- 12:00 p.m.-The Warrior (Gospel)-P
- 12 Noon-Draft Horse/Pony Hitch Show-C
- 2 p.m.-Sr. King/Queen Contest-P
- 6 p.m.-Jr. Fair Baby Beef Show-C
- 7 p.m. – LAUREN ALAINA Concert (Country)-G Special Guest-Emily Ann Roberts
- Miscellaneous Pictures 2
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion
- (Special Programs 9 a.m.-5 p.m.-Pavilion)
- 9 a.m.-Jr. Fair Saddle Horse Show-C
- 9 a.m.-Jr. Fair Dairy/Meat Market Goat Show-
- 9 a.m.-Open Class Sheep Show
- 7 p.m.-Diamond J Rodeo -G
- Miscellaneous Pictures 3
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion
- 8:30 a.m.-Jr. Fair Breeding Beef Show-Jr. Fair Beef & Dairy Feeder Show-C-Open Class Beef Show
- 10 a.m.-Diaper Derby-P
- 1:30 p.m.-Toddlers Foot Race-p
- 3:30 p.m.-Livestock Auction-In Following Order -C
- 5 p.m.-4-H Horse Fun Show-Paddock
- 6 p.m.-Motocross-G
- 7 p.m.-Tom’s Kitchen Table-(Mix-Country to Rock)-P
- 8 p.m.-Little International Showmanship -SWP
- Miscellaneous Pictures 4
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion
- 8:30 a.m.-Auction-Market Hog -C
- 11:00 a.m.-Auction-Market Lamb
- Followed by Dairy & Meat) Market Goat
- 11 a.m.-Small Car Race (2 to 4 Year Old) -P
- 1:30 to 4.30 p.m.-COSI -Science Live-P
- 4:30 p.m.-Stock Tractor Pull-G
- 7 p.m.-Draft Pony Pull-C
- 7 p.m.-Blindsided-P (Rock) (Missed getting pictures)
- Miscellaneous Pictures 5
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion
- 9 a.m.-Open Goat Show- (Show & Go)-SP
- 10 a.m.-4-H Dog Show -C Renee Nalley photo’s
- 10 a.m.-4-H Dog Show -C
- 10 a.m.-Open Draft Horse & Pony Hitch Show-G
- 1 p.m. – Aidan Albaugh (Country)-P
- 2 p.m.-Auction-Wood Carver-Buckeye Triangle
- 4 p.m.-Backseat Driver Contest-G
- 4 p.m.-4-H Baked Goods Auction-V
- 6 p.m.-Demolition Derby-G
- 6 p.m.-Sweet Umbra-P (Rock)
- Miscellaneous Pictures 6
- C=Coliseum, SWP=Swine Pavilion, RB-Rabbit Barn, OP=Open Poultry Bldg., JP=Jr. Fair Poultry Bldg., OSB-Open Sheep Barn, G=Grandstand, P=Pavilion, V=Veteran’s Building, SHP=New Sheep Pavilion