2023 Trick or Treat Day for Ashland

Halloween “trick or treat” time for the City of Ashland is Thursday, Oct. 26, 2023, between 5:00 and 7:00pm. Rain or shine.

Trick or Treating in the City of Ashland occurs each year on the Thursday before/of Halloween, which is chosen so as to not conflict with Friday night High School football and other weekend activities.

The 5pm to 7pm time frame is to protect our children, even with reflective costumes and flashlights, the potential for harm to a child is too high to risk having the event later in the evening when it is dark. This event is for the children and we want it to be a safe, fun event for them.

If you wish to have trick or treaters visit your home, please turn on the outside porch light. Trick or treaters, please respect porch lights turned off as a sign of residents choosing to not participate.