A Typical Day

I finish lacing my shoes and shout to Ken, “I’m going to take Mary, Grace, and Joy for a little walk downtown.”
At the mention of “walk,” Grace jerks into full alert. We barely make it out the door before she leaps ahead like a fuzzy whirlwind and walks on her two hind legs. I don’t let her walk ahead without a command and a slight tug on her leash, which puts her into a full somersault.
Mary is trotting along like the sweet lady she is, and Joy stops midstride and lays out flat on the pavement like she fell out of the sky. I pick Joy up and we continue down Main Street and then Grace comes to a dead halt. I look down to see if she is hurt and out of the corner of my eye I see several stopped cars with laughing people inside.
What they see is Miss-Puppy-Feet-dog-walker with one year old Grace checking out new stuff to see, smell and tinkle on; baby Joy tucked into half my coat and a leash with a collar attached and no Mary. Apparently, Mary decided this was too much drama, so she slipped her collar and then walked elegantly behind me.
What to do? Wave, smile, nod, and disappear into the door of the nearest business then make our way back home through alleys and parking lots.
Now it’s time to run errands. Grace hears the jingle of car keys. She flies to the back door and stands there looking at me expectantly. Oops! forgot my list in the other room, so Grace follows me through the house to make sure I don’t sneak off without her.
The possibility of staying home never dawns on her. She likes the truck, so I take her everywhere: drug store, gas station, and church.
Just when I think I can’t clean up one more pee or wipe twelve dirty paws or listen to one more bark, Grace strolls into the kitchen and looks at me with eyes that say, I’m sitting so nicely. Don’t you want to pet me?
I lower my body down and hug her tummy and face and tell her what a good girl she is. Grace puts her forehead to my chest just below my neck and rests it there. This is my Grace Hug. Life doesn’t get any better!
Grace is God’s gift to me. Day by day, and minute by minute, Grace presents an opportunity to discover not what she can become but what I can become. Grace makes me laugh. She challenges me to get more exercise.
Joy is still in shock as the baby and older Mary tries to enjoy her company. All in all, I am blessed with a typical day, everyday with these three amazing pups.
Dianne Hammontree