AG Yost Applauds FCC’s Record Penalty Against Auto Warranty Scam Robocalls

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) — Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost is praising the Federal Communications Commission for imposing a record-breaking $299,997,000 fine against a multiplayer robocall enterprise, marking a notable victory in the collaborative battle against such illegal operations.

This penalty stands as a direct result of the coordinated enforcement action taken in collaboration with the Ohio Attorney General’s Office in July of last year.

“This substantial penalty sends an unequivocal message: Those seeking to exploit and deceive will face severe consequences,” Yost said. “I commend the FCC for its unwavering commitment to this pivotal cause and for standing alongside my office and other states in this unyielding campaign.”
Yost’s lawsuit under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which targeted several entities and individuals associated with the robocall enterprise, in tandem with the FCC’s efforts, has led to an unprecedented 99% reduction in fraudulent auto warranty robocalls according to the FCC.