Ashland Man Arrested on 3 Count Indictment

In a recent development, Aaron Shirey of Ashland County, Ohio, has been arrested on a three-count indictment. The charges include disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, importuning, and interference with custody.

Count One: Disseminating Matter Harmful to Juveniles

In the first count of the indictment, Aaron Shirey has been charged with disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. This is considered a felony of the fifth degree. The charges state that between June 11, 2023, and June 14, 2023, in Ashland County, Ohio, Aaron Shirey recklessly sold, delivered, or provided obscene material to a juvenile named “Jane Doe.” The material in question was knowingly distributed by Aaron Shirey, despite its harmful nature.

Count Two: Importuning

The second count of the indictment accuses Aaron Shirey of importuning, another felony of the fifth degree. According to the charges, between June 11, 2023, and June 14, 2023, Aaron Shirey solicited “Jane Doe,” a juvenile, to engage in sexual conduct. As per Ohio Revised Code, Aaron Shirey was over eighteen years of age and four or more years older than “Jane Doe” at the time of the offense. The victim was a minor between the ages of sixteen and seventeen, making Aaron Shirey’s actions a violation of section 2905.32.

Count Three: Interference with Custody

The third count on the indictment alleges Aaron Shirey’s involvement in interference with custody. This offense is classified as a misdemeanor of the first degree. It is stated that between June 11, 2023, and June 14, 2023, Aaron Shirey knowingly enticed, took, kept, or harbored a child under the age of eighteen without the privilege to do so. The child in question, “Jane Doe,” was born in, 2006 Aaron Shirey’s actions constituted a violation of Ohio Revised Code.

Conditions of Bond

Aaron Shirey’s release on bond is subject to the following conditions:

A bail bond secured by a deposit of ten percent of the bond amount in cash, which totals $20,000. Upon compliance with all bond conditions, ninety percent of the deposit will be returned.

Alternatively, a surety bond secured by real estate or securities, or the deposit of cash in the sum of $20,000.

A written permission from the Court is required for Aaron Shirey to leave the State of Ohio.

A strict prohibition on the use, consumption, or possession of any drugs or alcohol. Aaron Shirey will be subject to random testing at his own expense.

The use of medical marijuana or any product containing THC is prohibited during the period of bond.

Aaron Shirey will be subject to passive monitoring through Global Positioning Satellite Tracking (GPS). Compliance with all terms and conditions associated with the assigned GPS device is mandatory.

Aaron Shirey must not have any direct or indirect contact with “Jane Doe.”

Unsupervised contact with unrelated minors is strictly prohibited for Aaron Shirey.

Video Arraignment

Aaron Shirey’s arraignment is scheduled for a video hearing on 12/12/2023 at 11:00 AM. This hearing will take place via Zoom.

Let this serve as a reminder that safeguarding our children is of utmost importance. It is essential for parents, guardians, and community members to be vigilant and report any suspicious activities that may pose a threat to juveniles’ well-being. Together, we can create a safer environment for our children.