AU Theatre presenting Pulitzer-prize winning play “Proof” Oct. 19-22

ASHLAND, Ohio – The Ashland University Department of Theatre is presenting the Pulitzer-prize winning play “Proof” by David Auburn from Thursday through Sunday, Oct. 19-22. All performances will take place at the Studio Theatre in the Center for the Arts, with the Thursday, Friday and Saturday shows beginning at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday’s matinee at 2 p.m.

“Proof” is part of the College of Arts and Science’s Symposium Against Indifference: Perspectives on the Mental Health Crisis series this year. There will be a panel discussion with local mental health professionals following the Sunday show.

In addition, there will be an open house and reception for AU theatre alumni and friends on Saturday at 4 p.m., as part of AU’s Homecoming festivities. The reception will be held on the stage of the Hugo Young Theatre and the theatre spaces, scene and costume shops will be open.

“Proof” focuses on Catherine whose father Robert was a mathematical genius and professor. She had spent years taking care of him, but his recent passing raises several questions, such as should she leave Chicago to live with her sister Claire in New York, how much of her father’s genius or madness will she inherit and what is to become of the 103 notebooks he left behind that one of his former students, Hal, hopes to find something valuable in. When a mathematical proof of historical proportions is discovered, its authorship tests the bonds of family loyalty and love.

“Proof” premiered in 2000 and was adapted into a major Hollywood film in 2005. This production is directed by Teresa Durbin-Ames, associate professor of theatre at AU, while Catherine will be played by Mattie Vermilya, Robert by Gabe Noble, Claire by Ellie Nickoli and Hal by Keever Whitehead.

Additional students working on the production include Saylor Starkey (stage manager), Lily Dowler (props master), Tobin Grendzynski (assistant light designer), Jesse Baker (assistant sound engineer) and Anthony Marchetta (assistant director). Guest artists consist of Justin Miller (scenic designer), D. Justin Bilewicz (costume designer) and Seth Morrison (lighting designer and technical director).

Tickets can be purchase at the AU Campus Store during normal business hours or online at Tickets are $2 for AU students, $5 for non-AU students and $10 for adults, faculty/staff and senior citizens. A service fee will be added to any credit card purchases. Tickets will not be available for purchase at the door.

For more information, contact Teresa Durbin-Ames at 419-289-5821 or