AU’s Coburn Gallery to feature alumnus Jamie Lindholm’s artwork from Oct. 5-29

ASHLAND, Ohio – The Coburn Gallery and Ashland University Department of Art + Design will be hosting “An Evolution from Imagery to Entanglement,” a painting exhibition featuring alumnus Jamie Lindholm, from Thursday, Oct. 5, through Sunday, Oct. 29. On Oct. 5, there will be an opening reception from 4:30-6:30 p.m. This event is free and open to the public.

“An Evolution from Imagery to Entanglement” pulls from Lindholm’s studio practice in Colorado where she works primarily with oils and charcoal. She creates complex woven paintings connecting emotions, experiences, figures and memories, culminating in conceptual work about human entanglements.

Lindholm’s art has been exhibited throughout the United States, as well as in Sweden. Her work can be found in the permanent collections of the International Securities Exchange (N.Y.), Dancker, Sellew & Douglas (N.J.) and Somerset County Parks of New Jersey, and in private collections in the U.S., Switzerland, Australia and Sweden.

Lindholm graduated from AU with a bachelor’s degree in business management and marketing in 1983. She then progressed through art programs in the studios of David Zuccarini, Maryland Institute College of Art, Studio Incamminati and The Art Students League of New York, where she studied with notables Everett Kinstler, David Leffel and Robert Neffson. She earned a Master of Fine Arts degree with honors from Regis University.

Lindholm is a patron member of the Portrait Society of America, where she was once an ambassador and national coordinator for its ambassador program. She is also a signature member of American Women Artists.

The Coburn Gallery is open from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays and noon-4 p.m. on weekends. Gallery admission is free and open to the public. Please note the gallery will offer extended hours during AU’s Homecoming weekend, open until 7 p.m. on Oct. 20 and from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. on Oct. 21. For more information about the exhibition, call 419-289-5652 or visit the gallery’s Facebook page.