Joe Lyons

Scary Incident in Ontario has Police Asking Questions

Ontario Police are currently conducting an investigation into a potentially alarming incident that took place on January 06, 2024, at Cinemark 14 in Ontario.

The incident involves three juveniles who were innocently engaged in playing a video game when they were approached by an unidentified man accompanied by other male, raising concerns over their intentions.

Larissa Johnson, in a heartfelt Facebook post, expressed her distress and solicited assistance, sharing that her daughter and friends were the targets of this unsettling encounter at the Ontario movie theater.

Seeking collaboration with the community, Ontario Police took to social media and posted a message appealing for information. The post serves as a call to action, asking the public to come forward if they can identify the individuals captured in the video, which has gained traction online.

Ontario Police have provided several avenues for the concerned public to reach out, including their phone number at (419) 529-2115, the option to send private messages on Facebook or Instagram, or the anonymous tip line at (419) 529-1101.

By reaching out, individuals can play a pivotal role in this investigation, providing crucial information and helping bring clarity to this unnerving incident.


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Ashland County Dog Shelter Controversy: Seeking Responsible Solutions

In recent days, the Ashland County Dog Shelter controversy has been making headlines and stirring up emotions among residents. The heated dispute surrounding the shelter’s policies has prompted calls for action and demands for responsible solutions. As tensions rise, it is important to separate fact from fiction and seek a resolution that benefits both the dogs and the community.


According to Ashland County Commissioner President Denny Bittle, the controversial policy will be revisited this Thursday at the County Commissioner meeting. In a telephone conversation, Bittle emphasized that no dogs are being euthanized this week or in the near future due to the policy’s implementation. Bittle has refuted claims suggesting otherwise and urged those spreading misinformation to stop. He reassured residents that their input is always welcome and invited them to watch and comment their concerns in the live meeting on Thursday, which will be broadcasted on Facebook.

Amidst the controversy, various non-profit organizations have weighed in on the matter. Homeward Bound Nonprofit Inc., which raises funds for the care of dogs at the Ashland County Dog Shelter, released a statement acknowledging the policy enacted by the County Commissioners. They expressed their longstanding positive relationship with the County and their belief in the humane treatment of dogs. Homeward Bound Inc. also stated their intention to propose solutions to the Commissioners during the upcoming meeting on January 18th. See Statement:

Ian Robinson, the executive director of Service Dog United and a board member of Homeward Bound, emphasized the importance of practicing responsible and ethical solutions for the welfare of our canine friends. He expressed optimism in finding a healthy balance that upholds the values of residents, donors, and dogs.

To address any misconceptions, the United Way of Ashland County Ohio clarified on their Facebook page that they solely fund health and human services programming in the county, without providing any funding to the Ashland County Dog Shelter. They shared a list of partner agencies on their website, confirming their limited involvement in animal-related initiatives. See Statement:

The Humane Society of Ashland County Ohio, a separate entity from the Ashland County Dog Shelter, took to their Facebook page to clarify their lack of association with the shelter. They emphasized that the dogs on the urgent list in the media are not under their care. Additionally, they reiterated their commitment to assisting animals of all kinds, reinforcing their dedication to a broad range of animal welfare issues. See Statement:

With the Ashland County Dog Shelter controversy capturing the attention of the community, it is crucial to approach the situation with a focus on responsible solutions. The upcoming County Commissioner meeting presents an opportunity for open dialogue and the presentation of potential resolutions by concerned individuals and organizations.

In order to address the concerns raised, it is imperative to consider the welfare of the animals at the shelter while also respecting the limitations and constraints faced by the county. Collaborative efforts and brainstorming sessions can lead to innovative solutions that strike a balance and cater to the needs of both the dogs and the community.

The Ashland County Dog Shelter controversy has ignited a passionate discussion about responsible solutions for canine welfare. As the policy is revisited and discussed during the upcoming County Commissioner meeting, it is important to approach these deliberations with an open mind and a commitment to finding common ground. By working together, the community can pave the way for a future where the welfare of dogs in Ashland County is prioritized and upheld.

General Eisenhower Portrayed by Kenneth Hammontree: Unforgettable Lecture at Genesis Christian Academy

General Eisenhower

Imagine stepping back in time and witnessing a pivotal moment in history firsthand. That’s exactly what students at Genesis Christian Academy in Ashland, Ohio had the opportunity to do when Kenneth Hammontree, a history teacher at the academy, portrayed General Eisenhower and delivered a dramatic speech about the D-Day Landings. This immersive experience allowed the students to gain a deeper understanding of the remarkable events that unfolded on that fateful day in history.

On the evening of July 6, 1944, General Eisenhower addressed the international press corps that had been flown across the English Channel for an exclusive press conference. This was Eisenhower’s first public comments on the June 6th D-Day invasion, also known as Operation Overlord, and its success. The D-Day landings marked the beginning of the end for Hitler’s Third Reich and the reign of terror in Europe.

Operation Overlord was not only an astonishing military operation but also a logistical triumph. It involved putting ashore on the Normandy beaches a staggering number of personnel and equipment. A total of 176,475 men, 3,000 artillery pieces, 1,500 tanks, and 15,000 assorted vehicles were deployed. Additionally, close to 8,000 fighting ships, merchant ships, and assault crafts were committed to the entire invasion force, accompanied by 10,500 air sorties. The scale of this operation was unprecedented.

Before the D-Day landings, Allied commanders privately expressed their concerns to Eisenhower, predicting that as many as 12,000 men could be killed in the first 24 hours of the assault. They even feared that the invasion could be repelled, pushing the Allied forces back into the sea. Despite these grim predictions, the actual casualties were lower than anticipated. Less than 6,600 American soldiers were killed on D-Day, with the total casualties for the Allies at 8,422. In contrast, the Germans suffered over 9,000 casualties in just 24 hours. The success of the invasion can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the highly intricate Allied deception plans and the breaking of the Enigma Code, which led Hitler and his military staff to believe that the invasion would occur at Pas-De-Calais.

Kenneth Hammontree, a dedicated teacher at Genesis Christian Academy, brought General Eisenhower to life during his portrayal. With an exceptional grasp of historical facts and an ability to capture Eisenhower’s demeanor, Hammontree transported students back to that momentous day in history. Through his portrayal, students gained a deeper appreciation for the courage and determination displayed by the Allied forces during the D-Day landings.

It is vital for students to not only read about history in textbooks but also to have opportunities to experience it firsthand. Kenneth Hammontree’s portrayal of General Eisenhower provided Genesis Christian Academy students with a unique and immersive learning experience. By witnessing history come alive through Hammontree’s passionate depiction, students were able to connect with the events of the past on a deeper level. This unforgettable learning experience will undoubtedly stay with them for years to come.

The portrayal of General Eisenhower by Kenneth Hammontree at Genesis Christian Academy offered students a remarkable opportunity to witness history firsthand. By delving into the details of the D-Day landings, students gained a newfound appreciation for the immense scale and significance of Operation Overlord. Thanks to Hammontree’s dedicated portrayal, students were able to step into the shoes of those who shaped history, experiencing the courage and sacrifices of the brave individuals who fought for a better future. This immersive learning experience reaffirms the importance of bringing history alive in the classroom and inspiring the next generation to value the lessons of the past.


My dog Jesse and I were excited to begin her direct-patient care service as a brand-new Hospice volunteer. To prepare for her first patient, I gave Jesse a bath with cherry vanilla shampoo, gave her a good brushing and placed her identification necklace and red bandana around her neck. We proudly walked to the nursing home and located the correct room. When I saw the gentleman’s name on the door, my heart stopped beating.

Don, the meanest man in the world, was Jesse’s first Hospice patient.

About two months earlier, Don came to look at one of my remodeled houses with his daughter. His daughter loved the house and wanted to sign the paperwork to purchase it. Don began verbally ripping my house apart, inch by inch, electrical, plumbing, paint, carpentry, etc., etc., etc. He not only insulted my hard work but attacked my character as well.

I was too dumbfounded by his evil and abusive words to reply or to stand up for myself. By the time Don and his daughter left my spirit was crushed to the floor. Regardless of his disgusting attitude, Jesse and I met our weekly obligations with Don for months.

Usually, Hospice is responsible for a patient deemed terminal for a six-month period then staff and volunteers are called off. After six months, Don was still alive and stable. We continued our weekly visits anyway.

One afternoon, I received an emergency phone call from Don’s nursing home. “Please bring Jesse—quick!” the nurse said. “Your patient is hysterical and violent. We have tried everything to calm him down, but nothing is working. BRING JESSE NOW!”

Jesse and I entered the room to find Don totally out of control. His sweet little wife couldn’t calm him down without getting hurt. Even though he was older and weak, he could send even a large person flying across the room with his thrashing arms and legs.

Jesse slowly walked over to Don’s bed and waited. His wild eyes spotted her, and he waited. She laid her head on his bed. Ever so slowly he came back to reality without hurting Jesse. As he petted her soft fur, he talked and talked.

He had just realized that he was going to die and did not know where he was going, heaven or hell. Don had spent years ignoring God, feeling lonely to the core, feeling unsafe and unprotected. Life was such a frighting place because he thought we were all just thrown out there with no purpose, no plan, no direction, and no help.

Little by little, with great trepidation and embarrassment, he began to entertain the possibility of God’s existence. He was amazed to find out that even after all this time of pushing God away, God had never left him. All he had to do was open his eyes and ears and heart.

Don died shortly after this amazing journey, and Jesse and I felt privileged to have had the pleasure of knowing the ‘meanest man’ as our friend.


Dianne Hammontree,
secretary of Homeward Bound, Inc.





My dog Jesse and I were excited to begin her direct-patient care service as a brand-new Hospice volunteer. To prepare for her first patient, I gave Jesse a bath with cherry vanilla shampoo, gave her a good brushing and placed her identification necklace and red bandana around her neck. We proudly walked to the nursing home and located the correct room. When I saw the gentleman’s name on the door, my heart stopped beating.

Don, the meanest man in the world, was Jesse’s first Hospice patient.

About two months earlier, Don came to look at one of my remodeled houses with his daughter. His daughter loved the house and wanted to sign the paperwork to purchase it. Don began verbally ripping my house apart, inch by inch, electrical, plumbing, paint, carpentry, etc., etc., etc. He not only insulted my hard work but attacked my character as well.

I was too dumbfounded by his evil and abusive words to reply or to stand up for myself. By the time Don and his daughter left my spirit was crushed to the floor. Regardless of his disgusting attitude, Jesse and I met our weekly obligations with Don for months.

Usually, Hospice is responsible for a patient deemed terminal for a six-month period then staff and volunteers are called off. After six months, Don was still alive and stable. We continued our weekly visits anyway.

One afternoon, I received an emergency phone call from Don’s nursing home. “Please bring Jesse—quick!” the nurse said. “Your patient is hysterical and violent. We have tried everything to calm him down, but nothing is working. BRING JESSE NOW!”

Jesse and I entered the room to find Don totally out of control. His sweet little wife couldn’t calm him down without getting hurt. Even though he was older and weak, he could send even a large person flying across the room with his thrashing arms and legs.

Jesse slowly walked over to Don’s bed and waited. His wild eyes spotted her, and he waited. She laid her head on his bed. Ever so slowly he came back to reality without hurting Jesse. As he petted her soft fur, he talked and talked.

He had just realized that he was going to die and did not know where he was going, heaven or hell. Don had spent years ignoring God, feeling lonely to the core, feeling unsafe and unprotected. Life was such a frighting place because he thought we were all just thrown out there with no purpose, no plan, no direction, and no help.

Little by little, with great trepidation and embarrassment, he began to entertain the possibility of God’s existence. He was amazed to find out that even after all this time of pushing God away, God had never left him. All he had to do was open his eyes and ears and heart.

Don died shortly after this amazing journey, and Jesse and I felt privileged to have had the pleasure of knowing the ‘meanest man’ as our friend.


Dianne Hammontree, secretary of Homeward Bound, Inc.

General Eisenhower Portrayed by Kenneth Hammontree: Unforgettable Lecture at Genesis Christian Academy

Imagine stepping back in time and witnessing a pivotal moment in history firsthand. That’s exactly what students at Genesis Christian Academy in Ashland, Ohio had the opportunity to do when Kenneth Hammontree, a history teacher at the academy, portrayed General Eisenhower and delivered a dramatic speech about the D-Day Landings. This immersive experience allowed the students to gain a deeper understanding of the remarkable events that unfolded on that fateful day in history.

On the evening of July 6, 1944, General Eisenhower addressed the international press corps that had been flown across the English Channel for an exclusive press conference. This was Eisenhower’s first public comments on the June 6th D-Day invasion, also known as Operation Overlord, and its success. The D-Day landings marked the beginning of the end for Hitler’s Third Reich and the reign of terror in Europe.

Operation Overlord was not only an astonishing military operation but also a logistical triumph. It involved putting ashore on the Normandy beaches a staggering number of personnel and equipment. A total of 176,475 men, 3,000 artillery pieces, 1,500 tanks, and 15,000 assorted vehicles were deployed. Additionally, close to 8,000 fighting ships, merchant ships, and assault crafts were committed to the entire invasion force, accompanied by 10,500 air sorties. The scale of this operation was unprecedented.

Before the D-Day landings, Allied commanders privately expressed their concerns to Eisenhower, predicting that as many as 12,000 men could be killed in the first 24 hours of the assault. They even feared that the invasion could be repelled, pushing the Allied forces back into the sea. Despite these grim predictions, the actual casualties were lower than anticipated. Less than 6,600 American soldiers were killed on D-Day, with the total casualties for the Allies at 8,422. In contrast, the Germans suffered over 9,000 casualties in just 24 hours. The success of the invasion can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the highly intricate Allied deception plans and the breaking of the Enigma Code, which led Hitler and his military staff to believe that the invasion would occur at Pas-De-Calais.

Kenneth Hammontree, a dedicated teacher at Genesis Christian Academy, brought General Eisenhower to life during his portrayal. With an exceptional grasp of historical facts and an ability to capture Eisenhower’s demeanor, Hammontree transported students back to that momentous day in history. Through his portrayal, students gained a deeper appreciation for the courage and determination displayed by the Allied forces during the D-Day landings.

It is vital for students to not only read about history in textbooks but also to have opportunities to experience it firsthand. Kenneth Hammontree’s portrayal of General Eisenhower provided Genesis Christian Academy students with a unique and immersive learning experience. By witnessing history come alive through Hammontree’s passionate depiction, students were able to connect with the events of the past on a deeper level. This unforgettable learning experience will undoubtedly stay with them for years to come.

The portrayal of General Eisenhower by Kenneth Hammontree at Genesis Christian Academy offered students a remarkable opportunity to witness history firsthand. By delving into the details of the D-Day landings, students gained a newfound appreciation for the immense scale and significance of Operation Overlord. Thanks to Hammontree’s dedicated portrayal, students were able to step into the shoes of those who shaped history, experiencing the courage and sacrifices of the brave individuals who fought for a better future. This immersive learning experience reaffirms the importance of bringing history alive in the classroom and inspiring the next generation to value the lessons of the past.

Ashland County Commissioners Recently Release New Policy and Procedures: Which Created A Firestorm at Ashland County Dog Shelter

In a recent turn of events, the Ashland County Commissioners, comprising President Denny Bittle, Vice President James Justice, and Commissioner Michael Welch, have released a new policy and procedures for the Ashland County Dog Shelter. However, this move has sparked a firestorm of controversy and concern among the local community.

The firestorm began when a post on Facebook claimed that there was a “kill list” for the dog shelter, accompanied by pictures of dogs nearing the one-year mark. This alarmed many animal lovers. In response to the backlash, Denny Bittle, clarifying that there is no “kill list.” However, Bittle emphasized the importance of having a policy and procurers in place. Until now, the shelter had been operating without any such measures.

Bittle highlighted that a shelter is not a rescue, where animals are kept for life. Instead, the aim of a shelter is to find suitable homes for the dogs, It’s just not fair to the dogs. He also clarified that being “no-kill” does not mean no euthanasia. Commenting, that to be considered no-kill, organizations should have a placement rate of 90% or higher. Unfortunately, there will always be a small percentage of animals that cannot be placed due to severe or untreatable illnesses or behavior issues.

According to It’s essential to understand that there is no universal definition or governing body that determines what “no-kill” means. The 90% placement standard is simply a widely agreed-upon threshold that organizations strive to achieve. Over time, this target has evolved, starting at 80% and then raised to 85%. It could change again in the future.

One of the main concerns arising from the new policy revolves around the rules for euthanasia. Here are the key points outlined in the policy:

Dogs shall be kept for redemption prior to destruction for the time period required by ORC 955.16 and this policy, subject to the limitations contained within.

Euthanasia will only be performed by a licensed veterinarian or licensed staff member.

Dogs deemed vicious or having bitten a member of the public, a shelter volunteer, or a shelter worker will be euthanized after the prescribed quarantine period.

Dogs that have been at the shelter for more than one year will be euthanized.

These rules have prompted a passionate response from the community, with a petition circulating on Facebook to save the dogs listed in imminent danger of euthanasia. Volunteers at the Ashland County Dog Shelter have been working tirelessly, walking the dogs, grooming them, and engaging in enrichment activities such as K9 Nose Work to showcase their brilliance and loving nature. They believe that these lives should not be prematurely ended and there must be alternative solutions, such as increased funding for shelters and robust adoption programs.

One particular program that has made a significant difference in the lives of the shelter dogs is K9 Nose Work. This training method taps into their natural hunting and scenting abilities, providing them with mental and physical exercise while building confidence and reducing sensitivity. Volunteers have been investing their time, funding, and assistance from sponsors to incorporate this training into the long-term resident dogs at the shelter, hoping to showcase their strengths and attributes to potential adopters.

If you are interested in adopting a current nose work-trained dog, sponsoring one, or volunteering to handle a dog during their training, you can reach out to Jessi at

The outcry from concerned individuals has been immense, with many expressing their disappointment in the new policies set forth by the Ashland County Commissioners. Their belief is that these innocent dogs deserve the opportunity to be adopted, rather than being subjected to euthanasia for circumstances beyond their control. They have united to sign petitions and are determined to make their voices heard at County Commissioners meetings and during future elections. Ashland County is known for its love for dogs, and the community aims to ensure that these lives are not needlessly lost.

The recent release of the new policy and procedures by the Ashland County Commissioners has created a firestorm of controversy at the Ashland County Dog Shelter. While the intentions behind the policies may be rooted in the welfare of the animals, it is essential to consider alternative solutions and strive towards a no-kill environment. The passionate community of Ashland County is standing up for innocent lives and demanding that the Commissioners explore other avenues before resorting to euthanasia. Together, they hope to make a difference and save the lives of dogs who deserve a second chance at finding a loving home.

The next Board of Commissioner’s Meeting will be on January 18, 2024,at 9:00am

Dog Shelter Policy Manual – 2023


Police Investigation of Loudonville School Teacher Concluded by the Loudonville Police Department

The Loudonville Police Department has closed its pending investigation of a Loudonville school teacher. The department received information on April 7, 2023 that multiple students had raised concerns that the teacher may have made contact with a minor female student’s buttocks with his hand outside of school hours and property. Preliminary investigation produced additional concerns that the teacher may be engaging in a relationship beyond an ordinary teacher-student relationship with the same student.

The student and the teacher participated in one interview each. Both denied any physical contact occurred. The teacher characterized his relationship with the student as being like “family” and said she was “like a little sister” to him. The teacher also acknowledged to an officer that he had exchanged text messages with the student.

The cellular telephones of the teacher and the student were obtained and searched. The student’s phone contained 142,375 text messages that were exchanged between the teacher and the student between January of 2021 and April of 2023. All text messages were reviewed as part of the investigation.

While the vast majority of text messages related to ordinary high school matters, officers were concerned with periodic messages related to the current and/or potential future relationship status between the teacher and the student. In the summer of 2021 , text messages from the teacher’ phone to the student’s phone stated that the student was his “best friend” as well as numerous discussions of their dating relationships with other people.

By early 2022, messages from the teacher’s phone continued to refer to the student as his “best friend” and telling her that other people would not understand their relationship. In May of 2022, a text message from his phone stated “I’m never leaving you. You’re not leaving me.”

By the summer of 2022, text messages from the teacher’s phone included comments like “I want to know everything about you” and discussions of the opportunities they would have to spend time together alone after the student graduates from high school. By that time, the text messages from the teacher’s phone were using the term “love” to describe the sender’s feelings toward the student. Text messages from the teacher’s phone to the student stating “I love you” became more numerous, along with text messages from his phone to hers talking about how they will be able to spend more time together after she is an adult. Another message stated that his “life would suck” without the student, and they “belong together.”

A photograph found on the teacher’s phone and date stamped March of 2023 depicted a piece of paper with a handwritten list titled “Reasons [TEACHER NAME REDACTED] loves [STUDENT NAME REDACTED].” “Reasons” on the list included “l love that we’re gonna get married” and “l love that we’re gonna have babies together.”

Officers completed an exhaustive review of the content on both phones. The text messages referring to “love” and plans to spend time together after high school graduation raised concerns that the teacher’s actions could include criminal behaviors and led to a lengthy and exhaustive investigation. After review of all collectible evidence on both phones, no communications or images evidenced the commission of a crime under Ohio law. No criminal charges will be filed at this time.

Tonight is the Night: Experience an Exciting Evening of Entertainment and Fun with Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Jr. at The Ashland Theatre

Are you ready for an unforgettable evening of entertainment and fun? Look no further than Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Jr. at The Ashland Theatre in Ashland. Get ready to be transported into the world of Matilda, an extraordinary girl who dares to challenge her destiny armed with her vivid imagination and sharp mind. Presented by The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center, this enchanting production promises to captivate audiences of all ages, so grab your tickets and get ready for a night you won’t forget!

Ashland’s streets will come alive with rebellion as the youth of The Salvation Army Kroc Youth Theatre present Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Jr. Inspired by the beloved book “Matilda” and adapted from the award-winning full-length musical, this production promises an electrifying experience for everyone attending. Immerse yourself in the tale of Matilda, a remarkable girl who challenges the status quo and strives to change her own reality. This powerful story teaches us that no matter how little we may be, we can still make a big impact in the world.

“One of my favorite moments early in the show is when Matilda sings, ‘Even if you are little you can do a lot’. It’s such a powerful reminder for each of us, tall and small, to take ownership of how we can create our reality,” says Major Billy Francis. The inspiring message of this musical resonates with audiences of all ages, urging them to embrace their capabilities and strive for greatness. Matilda’s journey encourages us to step out of our comfort zones and challenge the norms, reminding us that we have the power to shape our own destinies.

Through the process of putting on this musical, the youth of The Salvation Army Kroc Youth Theatre are coming together, working tirelessly to bring this extraordinary event to their community. Their dedication and hard work deserve a standing ovation. Major Billy Francis acknowledges the effort of these young performers and is proud to see them take ownership and create an exceptional experience for their audience.

Performance Details

The performances of Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Jr. will take place on the following dates and times:

Friday, January 12 at 7 p.m.

Saturday, January 13 at 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.

Sunday, January 14 at 3 p.m.

Tickets for this captivating show range from $12 to $18. To secure your seat, visit The Ashland Theatre’s website ( or purchase tickets in-person at their box office. Don’t miss out on this remarkable opportunity to witness the talent and passion of Ashland’s young performers.

Dan Lawson, PhD, Director of Community Relations and Development for the Ashland Kroc Center, expresses his gratitude to the Ashland community for their unwavering support of this production. Numerous local organizations, including the Ashland County Community Foundation, Masterminds Escape Room & Game Library, Donley Ford, The Ashland Theatre, and Vinyl Marketing, have contributed to making this event a success. It is the collective effort of the community that allows these talented young individuals to showcase their abilities and bring this production to life.

Thrilling, captivating, and unforgettable – these are just a few of the words that come to mind when describing the experience of watching Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Jr. Witnessing the dedication and passion of the young cast and their supporting team during dress and tech rehearsals has flooded my heart with joy. Every accomplishment achieved is a testament to the hard work and determination of these incredible children, not forgetting the unwavering support of their parents. This production deserves a resounding standing ovation!

Tonight is the night! Prepare yourself for an exciting evening of entertainment and fun as The Salvation Army Ray & Joan Kroc Corps Community Center presents Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical Jr. at The Ashland Theatre in Ashland. This extraordinary production brings Roald Dahl’s beloved story to life, inspiring audiences to embrace their own capabilities and challenge their destinies. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this magical experience that will leave you wanting more. Grab your tickets now and join us for an unforgettable night at The Ashland Theatre!