Joe Lyons

Troopers Investigating Fatal Crash on State Route 511

Troy Township – Troopers from the Ashland Highway Patrol Post are investigating a fatal crash which occurred on State Route 511, near Township Road 350, in Ashland County, Ohio.

On Monday, December 18, 2023 at approximately 1441 hours, a 2000 Ford Taurus driven by Timothy W. Anderson, age 65, of Nova, Ohio was south bound on State Route 511. A 2013 Chevy van driven by Curt Mechling, age 54, of Ashland, Ohio was north bound on State Route 511.

The Ford Taurus drove left of center and struck the Chevy van. Both vehicles came to rest in the Northbound lane of State Route 511.

Mr. Anderson was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Mr. Mechling was transported to Ohio Health Mansfield with non-life-threatening injuries.

State Route 511 was closed for approximately two hours while the scene was investigated.

Other agencies assisting at the crash scene were: Ashland County Sheriff’s Office, Firelands EMS, Ruggles-Troy Fire Department, Savannah Fire Department, and the Ashland County Coroner’s Office.

Alcohol or drugs do not appear to be a factor. The crash remains under investigation.

Fugitives of the Week December 18, 2023

The Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force is offering a reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive Earl Whipple. Whipple is wanted U.S. Marshals Service and the Richland County Sheriff’s Office for rape. Whipple, 49, is described as a white male with brown hair and hazel eyes, standing 5 feet 8 inches tall. Whipple has ties to the cities of Mansfield, Shelby Ohio, and High Springs Florida.







The Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force is offering a reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive Matthew Hively. Hively is wanted U.S. Marshals Service and the Richland County Sheriff’s Office for illegal conveyance of drugs. Hively, 44, is described as a white male with brown hair and brown eyes, standing 5 feet 11 inches tall. Hively has ties to the city of Mansfield.







The Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force is offering a reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive Jose Flores. Flores is wanted U.S. Marshals Service and the Richland County Sheriff’s Office for rape. Flores, 45, is described as a Hispanic male with black hair and brown eyes, standing 5 feet, 11 inches tall. Flores has ties to the cities of Mansfield, Bakersfield CA, and Fernley NV.








The Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force is offering a reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive Derrick Taylor. Taylor is wanted U.S. Marshals Service and the Richland County Sheriff’s Office on the charge of felonious assault. Harris, 45, is described as a white male with brown hair and brown eyes, standing 6 feet 2 inches tall. Harris has ties to the citie of Ashland, Baltic, and Galion.






If you have any information in reference to Rafael Martinez, Trenton Schoenman, David Greene, or Brian Mays, please contact the Northern Ohio Violent Fugitive Task Force at 1-866-4WANTED or Text keyword WANTED and tip to 847411 (tip411). Tipsters can remain anonymous and reward money is available.

Ashland County Sheriff’s Office Issues a Level 1 Snow Emergency

Ashland County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff E. Wayne Risner has just Issues a Level 1 Snow Emergency for Ashland County


LEVEL 1: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Roads may also be icy. Motorists are urged to drive very cautiously.


LEVEL 2: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Only those who feel it is necessary to drive should be out on the roadways


Level 3: Snow Emergency, all roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. ODOT says no one should drive during these condition unless absolutely necessary or in the case of a personal emergency. Individuals should call their employers to see if they should report to work

27 Years Later: The Heartbreak and Hope for Answers in the Disappearance of Mindy Clevidence

Paula Clevidence sat in her charming country kitchen, with 27-year-old faded photographs spread out on the kitchen table. It had been twenty-seven long years since her daughter, Mindy, born on October 15, 1978, had gone missing. The pain still gnaws at her heart every single day. In this moment of solitude, Paula allowed herself to remember both the happy times and the sad times before her world had been shattered.

But Paula didn’t want to drown in sorrow. She wanted to remember the joy Mindy had brought into their lives. The image of a vibrant, happy little girl formed in her mind. “Mindy was always full of life,” Paula reminisced, a tiny smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “We lived on a farm back then, and she was always outside, playing with her three sisters. We had animals for the fair, and Mindy loved her market steers. And oh, how she adored her kitty cats! She had a little favorite cat that she carried everywhere.”

Life was good for Mindy. Her days were filled with laughter, sketching beautiful drawings, and mesmerizing everyone with her sweet melodies. Paula’s eyes filled with fresh tears as she remembered how Mindy passionately memorized scripture verses for the Awana Club meetings. “She was so excited about earning those badges,” Paula whispered, a bittersweet ache tightening in her chest.

A Turn for the Worse

Then, like the shifting winds, difficulties started creeping into their lives. Mindy was ten when her sister, began facing severe health issues. Paula’s heart ached at the memory. “It was tough for Mindy because a lot of attention was focused on her sister,” she explained, her voice tinged with regret. “It wasn’t easy for her during that time.”

As the family moved to Loudonville, tensions rose, and the once-harmonious home became a battlefield of emotions. Mindy was seventeen, and her discontent grew, causing strains in their relationship. “I tried my best to reach out to her,” Paula murmured, her voice heavy with unspoken guilt. “But everything felt like a constant battle. Mindy stole my car, got into trouble at school. I wanted to help her, to guide her. I pleaded with her, telling her that we can work through her problems together. But it just didn’t happen.”

Mindy Disappeared

In the summer/fall of 1995, things took a devastating turn. A desperate decision was made, and Mindy was sent to a group home in Dayton, hoping it would provide her with the help she needed. That was the last time Paula saw her daughter’s face, heard her laughter, or felt her tender embrace. It all slipped away, leaving behind an agonizing void in Paula’s heart.

Paula vividly recalled the day her daughter disappeared. “She just disappeared,” Paula gasped, her voice choked with tears. “We couldn’t find any answers.” They were told that she left the youth home to meet up with friends in Detroit, Michigan.

Mindy’s father Gary immediately wanted to drive to Detroit, Michigan to look for his beloved daughter, telling Paula, “Let go!”

Paula reasoned with Gary asking him, “Where in Detroit?”

“I don’t know just drive around,” he replied. With the voice of reason eventually winning over, both decided the best they could do is check with the police.

Then Paula’s sister Barb received a call from Mindy around Thanksgiving in 1995, revealing she was ok and in Michigan.

For a brief moment, hope flickered within Paula’s weary soul, as she remembered a Mother’s Day card she received during those months leading to Mindy’s disappearance. It was a small gesture, a spark of connection amidst the darkness of uncertainty. Paula cherished the thought of that card, an irreplaceable token of love from her daughter.

Sleepless nights turned into tireless days, and time passed, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, months turned into years. Mindy’s whereabouts remained a mystery as the family desperately clung to hope, praying that Mindy would one day reach out, that she would confirm she was safe.

They waited and waited; their hearts burdened with unanswered questions. Twenty-seven years may have slipped away, but Paula refused to let go of the memories, the love, and the hope. She had weathered countless nights of tears and endless days of longing. She yearned for closure, for answers, and for the chance to hold Mindy in her arms once more.

But time passed, and Mindy’s whereabouts remained a mystery. Paula just couldn’t imagine that Mindy still hanging on to the anger that separated them, she couldn’t be still mad at me, then her favorite grandmother died that Mindy cared for, still nothing from Mindy. Deep within Paula a nagging thought, maybe something bad had happened to Mindy, surely, she wouldn’t have missed her grandmother’s funeral. They waited and waited; their hearts burdened with unanswered questions.

And so, Paula Clevidence remembers. She remembers the laughter in Mindy’s eyes, the warmth of her presence, and the extraordinary spirit that made her daughter truly shine. With a heart heavy yet resilient, Paula waited.

Highland Park Jane Doe

But fate would once again deal a heavy blow to those hopes of finding Mindy alive, in the form of a phone call. As Paula would say, things happen in God’s time, the wheels of circumstance were turning long before Paula would have thought. Things were lining up to Gods time schedule, unbeknownst to Paula.

In 2015 the Michigan State Police Cold Case Detectives we trying to find out who was the “Highland Park Jane Doe,” the name the Detectives and media dubbed her. Cold Case Detectives receive help from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for the cost of exhuming Mindy’s body from a Canton Township cemetery in October 2015, to extract DNA in hopes of breaking the case and giving this young girl a name.

Cold Case Detectives kept telling themselves, “There is a chance,” a chance that her DNA could find a hit in the system, but again it was in God’s timing. As time then crept along, there were still no hits on her DNA, and her body still laid in the Michigan, Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office. The Highland Park Jane Doe would have to wait just like everyone else.

Police and news reports described the horrific details behind the death of the Highland Park Jane Doe.

Highland Park Jane Doe was found between Cortland and Richton Streets in Highland Park, Michigan, a suburb just 6 miles from Detroit, MI. When found, Jane Doe was wearing a white shirt with yellow smiley faces and red lip prints; a white JXP Designs skirt; a white lace bra; black tennis shoes with white trim, size 8.5; white socks; and a gold-tone women’s wristwatch in the shape of a teddy bear, with a brown leather band. Her fingernails were long and painted purple, and her toenails were covered in pink polish.

According to several stories, Detectives would described her clothes as that of “a five-year-old”, there’s speculation she may have had a disability and been placed in foster care. But her mother and sister said she would never have worn that kind of clothing or had her hair back in a ponytail.

She laid fatally wounded with a shotgun blast to the throat at close range, in an alley behind 387 Cortland Street in Highland Park, Michigan, until her body was found, as the sun began to rise out of the western sky on May 20, 1996.

Residents in the neighborhood told police they had heard a single gunshot in the early morning hours, prior to her discovery, but no eyewitnesses came forward, nor did potential relatives, even though the Highland Park Police Department sought tips and reached out to the media repeatedly.

Detectives believe, because her body was located near the Lodge Freeway, which runs through Detroit and provides access to I-75 that she may have been travelling with her killer at the time of her death. Highland Park Jane Doe was ultimately laid to rest in an unmarked grave one year later, in April 1997 and tagged as Michigan’s “unidentified female No. 17.”

The Gift

In the spring of 2017, Paula’s granddaughter was preparing for her wedding. All the excitement and joy surrounding the upcoming nuptials created a buzz in the air, again fate entered in with a simple little wedding gift called “23andMe DNA Test.” As Paula explained, her granddaughter wanted to learn about her Irish ancestors and that made a great wedding gift. Only then, no one could have imagined where it would lead to, again Paula’s words would ring true, “God’s timing.”

Gary Clevidence passed away in 2021 from Covid, never knowing what happened to his daughter.

DNA Match

Paula’s granddaughter took the DNA in 2021 and the DNA test results not only revealed her Irish and German background, then something unexpected happen 2 years later, a potential DNA match in early in 2023, in a search by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children data base to a missing person named Jane Doe in Michigan, from the 23andMe DNA Test, done in 2021.

Upon receiving this shocking information from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, detectives from Highland Park promptly reached out to the granddaughter, who had done the DNA test. With a calm demeanor, they asked her if she had any knowledge of a missing person within her family. Realizing the seriousness of the situation, she redirected the call to her mother, Mindy’s sister, Michelle Persinger.

Calling Paula, she asked, “Are you sitting down?”

Paula replied, “No. Why?”

“Just sit-down Mom!” As she explained what had happened and told her that the Detectives want to talk with her. In that moment, time seemed to freeze, and the world faded away.

Detectives from Highland Park sent a photograph of the 1996 Jane Doe to the Ashland Police Division asked Paula to come and identify if it was her daughter. A grimacing look formed on her face, as she searched her memory.

As Paula held the photograph in her trembling hands, tears of sorrow and the sense of the 27-year burden mingled on her cheeks. It was Mindy. The resemblance was undeniable. The missing piece of the puzzle had finally fallen into place.

However, the journey was not over. The detectives required a DNA sample from Paula to confirm the connection conclusively. Thus, the clock was reset, and the passing of seconds turned into minutes, and minutes turned into hours, hours into days, and days turned to a month, then two months.

During this time, the investigators tirelessly pursued all leads. Their unwavering dedication finally bore fruit, as the DNA between Highland Park Jane Doe and Paula was officially established. They were one and the same. At last, the mystery of Mindy’s disappearance had been solved.

The truth, though heart-wrenching, brought a sense of closure for Paula. She mourned the loss of her daughter once again, but this time with the knowledge that Mindy Clevidence had been found. She remained grateful for the spark of hope that had flickered within her weary soul all those years.

Paula would graciously say, with a mixture of gratitude and awe, “God directed the detectives to persevere because it has been so many years. It’s a God thing.” She found solace in knowing that divine providence had guided them all along, leading them to this moment of revelation.

As per the family’s request, the remains of Mindy Clevidence were cremated. With utmost reverence, the Highland Park Police Detectives personally traveled to Ohio, carrying Mindy’s urn back to her waiting mother.

It’s the nightmare nobody wants to think about, saying goodbye to your child. Roberts Funeral Home, located in the Ashland County Memorial Park, at 1058 US Route 250 will be her final resting place.

Home, Mindy Clevidence is now home, after all these years a grieving mother gets her daughter back.

A Final Farewell

On Monday, December 11, 2023, Paula Clevidence and her daughter met at Roberts Funeral Home on US Route 250, in Ashland County for a short private ceremony, to give Mindy Clevidence a final resting place.

As the freezing cold wind blew, not hard, but made it feel like a cold knife cutting deeply, I stood outside in front of the mausoleum, waiting for the family to arrive. Two chairs were placed in front of the little boxes called niches, a place to put cremated remains. A little table held the urn containing the cremated remains of Mindy Clevidence.

Mindy’s mother, along with her sister, walked up the short cement sidewalk, stood before the rows of niches, and allowed the tears that had fought so hard for years to escape, run down their cheeks.

Although staying back in the driveway, feeling like I was still intruding, I quietly took a picture. Why? you may ask. Because this story must be told, we can’t forget, we must not forget. There is still another chapter to go with this story. Mindy Clevidence’s killer is still out there; it’s still an open homicide investigation.

Although this milestone in the case is solved, we must bring her killer to justice, so a family that so richly deserves can finally have closure.

Highland Park Police Detectives are still looking for anyone that knew Mindy Clevidence, friends that may have talked to her in 1996, or other kids at the group home who may know who she left with. Please, if you want to provide or request additional information, please contact: Highland Park Police Department, Highland Park, Michigan, (313) 334-9256 or FBI ViCAP, (800) 634-4097


1. What Youth Home did Ashland County Juvenile Court send Mindy Clevidence to?

2. Who were the friends Mindy Clevidence meet in Detroit, Michigan?

3. Did anyone around Ashland County hear from Mindy Clevidence in 1995/1996?

After hearing of this story, I reached out to Fox8 News I-Team reporter Peggy Gallek and we were able to speak with Mindy Clevidence mother on Dec 6, 2023. Here is the link to the Fox8 story

Ashland Resident Remains in Critical Condition After Crash

Ohio Highway Patrol, Ashland Police Division, Ashland County Sheriff’s Office, and Ashland Fire Department & EMS responded to US Route 42, between Ashland County Road 1095 (Mifflin Road) and Ashland County Road 995 (King Road), after a 911 caller reported a vehicle off of the roadway and in the woods, around 5:06pm.

According to the Ashland Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol, Karely Fullmer, 86, of Ashland was driving a 2013 Chrysler Town & Country, Southbound on US 42, when she drove left of center. Her vehicle continued to drive off the road into the ditch line of the wooded area, before striking a large tree.

When Karely Fullmer went across the center line into the Northbound lane of US 42, Scott Conery, 64, of Florida swerved to avoid hitting Karely Fullmer head-on. His 2019 Honda CRV went off the right side of the road into the ditch.

Scott Conery was not injured as a result of the crash.

Karely Fullmer was transported by Ashland EMS to University Hospital Samaritan Medical Center in critical condition and Life-Flighted to University Hospital Medical Center in Cleveland.

Aber’s Towing & Crane Center was responsible for the clean-up and removal of Karely Fullmer’s vehicle.

US Route 42 was closed for approximately an hour during the crash.

The cause of the crash is still under investigation by the Ashland Post of the Ohio Highway Patrol.

Grandpa’s Cheesebarn is proud to present two free community movie days at The Ashland Theatre


Grandpa’s Cheesebarn is proud to present two free community movie days at The Ashland Theatre on Tuesday 12/19 and Thursday 12/21 from Grandpa’s Cheesebarn as a Merry Christmas to the community as we continue to celebrate the reason for the season!

Tuesday 12/19
6 PM – Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (back-to-back showings)
8 PM – Elf
Thursday 12/21
6 PM – Frosty the Snowman and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (back-to-back showings)

8 PM – The Star

FREE Admission and Complimentary Popcorn Included

A Very Merry Christmas from Grandpa’s Cheesebarn

Troopers Investigating Fatal Crash on Interstate Route 71

Congress Township – Troopers from the Ashland Highway Patrol Post are investigating a fatal crash which occurred on Interstate Route 71 northbound, near milepost 197 in Wayne County, Ohio.

On Friday, December 15, 2023 at approximately 0709 hours, a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado was northbound on Interstate Route 71 when it traveled off the right side of the roadway, striking the rear of a parked 2009 Kenworth semi tractor-trailer.

The crash occurred just north of the northbound rest area on the right berm. The Silverado and trailer caught fire and became fully engulfed.

The driver of the Silverado was pronounced deceased at the scene. The occupant of the semi was uninjured.

The right lane of Interstate Route 71 was closed for a short time due to the fire and crash investigation.

Other agencies assisting at the crash scene were: Town & County Fire & EMS, New Pittsburg Fire & EMS, Ohio Department of Transportation.

The crash remains under investigation.

Centerra Country Store & Humane Society of Ashland County Ohio for a Pawesome Partnership

Hey there, folks! Just a quick reminder that the Centerra Country Store is hosting an awesome adoption event tomorrow! So, don’t forget to swing by 1290 Middle Rowsburg Rd, Ashland, OH, It’s going to be an absolute blast, and you wouldn’t want to miss out on this fantastic opportunity to find your new furry family member.

The Humane Society of Ashland County Ohio will also be there, showcasing some of their adorable pets who are looking for a loving home.

And hey, even if you’re not quite ready to adopt, no worries! Centerra Country Store has got you covered with their Giving Tree. It’s loaded with the cutest names from the Humane Society, and you can grab a gift for them at a whopping 20% discount on items purchased for a furry friend in need. Talk about spreading the holiday cheer!

So, save the date: Saturday, December 16th, 2023, from 11 AM to 2 PM. Make sure to share this news with all your friends and family because, let’s be honest, everyone needs a little more puppy love and feline charm in their lives.

Together, we can make a difference.

See you there, and thanks for helping us spread the word!

A Very Proud Nathalia Spade Talks about her Journey to US Citizenship

Embarking on the path to US citizenship is no easy task, with each person’s journey being unique. But Nathalia Spade proudly shares her own experience, filled with obstacles and triumphs.

For years, Nathalia held a green card, but the timing and financial challenges prevented her from applying for citizenship. However, as time went on and her understanding of the government grew, she knew it was time to take the leap. With her husband by her side, Nathalia filled out the forms on her cell phone and submitted them electronically.

The anticipation grew as she received notices in her mailbox confirming her application and payment.

Soon, she was scheduled for an interview in Cleveland. Faced with limited time to study, Nathalia pushed herself to learn all the necessary material. The day of the interview was nerve-wracking yet thrilling, but in less than 10 minutes, she impressed the officer and passed her test.

April 7th marked a monumental moment as Nathalia took her oath of allegiance, becoming a proud American citizen. Since then, she has been actively involved in politics, even voting for the first time.

Motivated by her own incredible journey, Nathalia wants to inspire other green card holders to pursue their own path to citizenship. She assures them that the application process isn’t as intimidating as it may seem, with accessible study materials available. Nathalia possesses the tools and knowledge to guide others in achieving a 100% success rate on the United States citizenship test.

Join Nathalia on her journey as she aims to empower and influence those longing for the same remarkable experience she had.