Local News

Arrest Warrant In Mansfield Homicide Issued

On Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023, at about 10:45 AM Mansfield Police Officers

responded to 500 N. Trimble Rd. in regards to an employee hearing multiple

gunshots from inside the hotel. Officers located the victim, Nayshawn Lovett

(B/M/16), laying in a staircase and appearing to have sustained multiple gunshot


During the investigation, the shooting suspect was identified as Monteles Holland

(see attached photo and information). Subsequently, an arrest warrant for

Aggravated Murder was typed last evening.

At 9:07 PM on January 3, 2023, Detectives from the Mansfield Police department’s

Major Crimes Section, Ontario Police, and the county ASORT team executed a search

warrant on Mr. Holland’s residence at 1054 Crestfield St, Apt 18, Ontario Oh. Mr.

Holland, however, was not located at that time.

Mr. Holland is encouraged to voluntarily surrender himself to authorities to assure a

peaceful ending. He is considered armed and dangerous and should not be

approached. If seen, please call 911 and/or contact local law enforcement.


U.S. Attorney’s Office Warns Residents About Scam Calls Demanding Money

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Ohio is cautioning northern Ohio residents about a telephone spoofing campaign where the caller is portraying themselves as an attorney, representative, or law enforcement officer, and the phone number is showing as the Department of Justice or the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

During these calls, scammers may attempt to collect money from victims or threaten arrest or legal action. These calls are bogus and an attempt to use a legitimate law enforcement number to obtain money from victims.

Scammers use many tactics to sound and appear credible. They sometimes provide information like actual names of federal prosecutors and federal office addresses. They also spoof their phone numbers to appear on caller IDs as if they are calling from a government agency such as the U.S. Attorney’s Office.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office reminds the public to be vigilant and never share personal identifying information with a caller that you have not initiated contact with or have not verified as a legitimate business or organization.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office will never ask you to purchase a gift card or give out a credit card number to avoid arrest.

To report a call or message from someone portraying to be a representative of the U.S. Attorney’s Office or Department of Justice, please contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at reportfraud.ftc.gov

Ashland County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher Tunnell Announces December 2022 Felony Indictments

Yesterday Ashland County Prosecuting Attorney Christopher R. Tunnell released ten (10) felony indictments issued by the Ashland County Grand Jury which met for a day- long session in December.

The Grand Jury issued a total of eighteen (18) indictments, eight of which remain sealed because they have not been served as of today’s date. The following persons were the subject of an indictment and have or will appear before the Ashland County Court of Common Pleas:

• Ahmed Palmer of Mansfield, case no. 22-CRI-217, investigating agency APD

Count One: Aggravated Possession of Drugs/ with three specifications

Count Two: Aggravated Trafficking in Drugs/ with three specifications

Count Three: Possession of Cocaine/ with three specifications

Count Four: Trafficking in Cocaine/ with three specifications

Count Five: Possession of a Fentanyl-Related Compound/ with three specifications

Count Six: Trafficking in a Fentanyl-Related Compound/ with three specifications

Count Seven: Possession of Drugs/ with three specifications

See Copy of Indictment


• Zachary Ross Finchum of Greenwood, IN, case no. 22-CRI-232, investigating

agency ACSO

Count One: Aggravated Possession of Drugs/ with One specification

See Copy of Indictment


• Josephine Mary Richmond of Ashland, case no. 22-CRI-229, investigating agency


Count One: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse or a combination of them – OVI

Count Two: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse or a combination of them – OVI

Count Three: Resisting arrest

See Copy of Indictment


• Jeffrey Olmstead of Loudonville, case no. 22-CRI-230, investigating agency APD

Count One: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse or a combination of them – OVI / with one specifications

Count Two: Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, a drug of abuse or a combination of them – OVI / with one specifications

See Copy of Indictment


• Salia Setser of Mansfield, case no. 22-CRI-236, investigating agency APD

Count One: Theft

Count Two: Possessing Criminal Tools

See Copy of Indictment


• Meghan Dunbar of Brookpark, OH, case no. 22-CRI-235, investigating agency APD

Count One: Complicity (theft) / with one specifications

Count Two: Possessing criminal tools / with one specifications

See Copy of Indictment


• Shawna Davis of Ashland, case no. 22-CRI-158, investigating agency APD

Count One: Complicity (Arson)

Count Two: (Arson)

See Copy of Indictment


• Mark Owens, Jr. of Ashland, case no. 22-CRI-243, investigating agency APD

Count One: Aggravated Possession of Drugs/ with one specification

See Copy of Indictment


• Emery Kopina of Ashland, case no. 22-CRI-247, investigating agency APD




See Copy of Indictment


• Connor Nicholas Herevia of Shelby, case no. 22-CRI-231, investigating agency ACSO


See Copy of Indictment

Prosecutor Tunnell would like to thank the Grand Jurors for their time and assistance, and the men and women of the investigating agencies for their hard work in protecting Ashland County citizens. Prosecutor Tunnell further stressed that all persons indicted by the December Grand Jury are innocent until proven guilty.

Richland County Sheriff’s Office recognized selected employees

The Sheriff recognized selected employees for their hard work, accomplishments and distinguished service for 2022.

In addition to those listed below, other employees received certificates of Commendations and Merit, lifesaving awards, and letters of Appreciation.

DEPUTY OF THE YEAR: Aaron Frasher. He is a graduate of Ontario HS class of 2008. Served in the Marine Corps from 2009-2012 He earned an associate degree in Criminal Justice from NCState in 2022. He has been employed since 2017.

DETECTIVE OF THE YEAR: Giovanni Masi. He is a graduate of Lexington HS class of 2014. Served in the Army National Guard 2013-2019, He has been employed since 2016.

LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR: Sergeant Amber Alfrey. She is a graduate of Clear Fork HS class of 2002. Associates Degree NC State 2005. Bachelor’s Degree Tiffin University 2012. She has been employed since 2008.

CORRECTION OFFICER OF THE YEAR: Isaiah Morales. He is a graduate of Ontario HS class of 2020. He has been employed since 2020.

CORRECTIONAL SUPERVISOR OF THE YEAR: Sergeant Tim Weese. He is a graduate of Madison HS class of 1995. Served in US Army for 3 years. He has been employed since 2013.

DISPATCHER OF THE YEAR: Cara Batten. She is a graduate of the Ohio Virtual Academy Class of 2017. She has been employed since 2020.

CIVILIAN OF THE YEAR: Maggie Liggett. She is a graduate of Galion HS class of 2004. She has been an employee since 2017.

Patrol reminds drivers to prepare for winter weather

(Ashland) – Last month, we saw what a strong winter storm can do and the impact it makes on our roadways. The Ohio State Highway Patrol reminds drivers to follow safe driving tips and winterize their vehicles in preparation for inclement weather. Ever-changing weather patterns in the winter can catch drivers off guard. You can reduce the risks of being involved in a crash by ensuring your vehicle is ready for the season, adopting winter driving techniques and following general roadway safety.

Last winter, there were 12,939 crashes on snow, ice or slush-covered roads in Ohio. These crashes resulted in 17 fatal crashes, which killed 17 people. Unsafe speed by the at-fault driver was the reported cause of 21 percent of the crashes on snow, ice or slush covered roads.

“As we saw last month, winter weather can impact your travel plans, routes and timing,” said Governor Mike DeWine. “Watch the weather, leave earlier or later, plan ahead and help mitigate hazards.”

Before traveling in winter weather, clear the snow and ice from your windows, headlights, and taillights of your vehicle. Also, allow defrosters time to work so you can see. Once you begin driving, go slow and increase following distances; bridges, ramps, and overpasses will freeze first.

Remember, Ohio law requires headlights to be on at any time when the windshield wipers of the vehicle are in use. If your vehicle becomes stuck in snow, clear the tailpipe free of all snow and debris to decrease the chance of carbon monoxide poisoning.

“Drivers should increase their following distances, have patience and be aware in winter weather,” said Brad Bishop Post commander, “It takes drivers longer to stop and turn. If you’re stranded, remain calm.”

If your vehicle breaks down or you are involved in a crash, turn on your hazard lights, move your vehicle as far off the roadway as possible, remain in the vehicle, and call #677.

The Patrol reminds drivers to stock their vehicles with a winter car kit that includes an ice scraper, shovel, jumper cables, flashlight, warning devices, blankets, cell phone charger, first aid kit, tow rope, water, and food for longer trips. It is also important to ensure your tires have plenty of tread, check your battery, and keep your windshield washer reservoir full.

If you must travel in winter weather, visit http://www.ohgo.com/ for real-time traffic conditions from the Ohio Department of Transportation. The Patrol’s winter driving traffic safety bulletin can be found at: https://statepatrol.ohio.gov/static/links/Winter_Driving_Bulletin_2023.pdf.


Officers responded to the Quality Inn at 500 N. Trimble Rd. at about 10:45 am. A staff person called the police after hearing multiple gunshots inside.

Upon searching the facility Mansfield Police Officers located a 16-year-old victim inside a staircase.

It appears the victim sustained multiple gunshot wounds thus resulting in his death. The Richland County Coroner’s Office will be sending the victim for an autopsy as this is an ongoing investigation.

Major Crimes detectives are working to find out what led to the shooting death as well as to identify a suspect(s). Details are very limited as this is an active and fluid investigation. Additional details will be released once they are available.

Anyone with information about this investigation to please call Major Crimes Detective Terry Butler at (419) 755-9791.

CCSO & OHP Announced that Jacob Davidson is now in Custody

Crawford County Sheriff’s Office & Ohio Highway Patrol announced in a Facebook posting the following:

***UPDATE: SUSPECT IN CUSTODY*** Patrol seeks public assistance in locating dangerous escapee

UPDATE: Last night at 11:34 p.m., Jacob Davidson was taken into custody near Chapmanville, West Virginia. The Patrol would like to thank the public for their assistance, as well as the United States Marshal Service, West Virginia State Police, Knox County Sheriff’s Office and Detective Bureau, Licking County Sheriff’s Office, Crawford County Sheriff’s Office and the Columbus Division of Police.

Update – On January 1st, 2023 at 10:34 pm, Jacob Davidson was arrested in Chapmanville, WV by West Virginia State Police. There are no other details surrounding this arrest. He will be transported to the Western Regional Jail, in West Virginia and held until he can be extradited back to Ohio.

Previously- Shortly after 8pm this date the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office was notified that Jacob D. Davidson DOB: 4-26-84 had escaped from Twin Valley Behavioral Health Hospital located at 2200 W. Board St. Columbus, Ohio.

On November 10, 2022 the Crawford County and Morrow County Sheriff’s Office responded to shooting incidents in where one person was injured. A suspect vehicle description was broadcast to local law enforcement. Shortly after receiving the shooting complaints a Bucyrus Police Officer spotted a vehicle matching the description of the shooter’s vehicle and stopped it. Upon making the traffic stop, gunshots were exchanged between the driver and officer. Jacob Davidson was identified as the shooter and taken into custody without injury to himself or the officer.

Davidson was subsequently indicted for Felonious Assault, a Felony of the 1st Degree, Discharging a Firearm on/or near a Prohibited Premises, a Felony of the 3rd Degree and Disrupting Public Services and Improperly Handling Firearms in a Motor Vehicle both Felonies of the 4th Degree. He was ordered to be held on a two-million-dollar bond.

On December 20th, Davidson was to transferred from the Crawford County Jail to Twin Valley Behavioral Health Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio State Highway Patrol holds jurisdiction over Twin Valley and is investigating the incident. A warrant for Davidson’s arrest is expected to be issued out of Franklin County, Ohio for Escape.

Unknown if Davidson has any weapons, however he should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you see Davidson or have any information of his whereabouts contact your local law enforcement or 911.

Davidson is described as a white male, 38 years of age being 5’11” tall, weighing 160 lbs. with blue eyes. He was last known to have brown unkept hair with a full beard.

Only 2 days until it’s time to get Cold for a Cure!


Come to Charles Mill Lake, sign the waiver, make your donation and you’re ready to take a dip!

Each year on January 1st at 3pm, we meet at Charles Mill Lake raise funds for the American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Ashland County which supports ALL cancers!

Polar Bear Dip Cold for the Cure Charles Mill Lake Mansfield, Ohio January 1st at 3:00pm


Ashland Police Division Looking for Runaway UPDATE: Found Safe

UPDATE: Found Safe and Returned

Ashland Police Division Sends a Big Thanks for the community’s help.

This is Jacob Simmons, 15-year-old male. Ran away from his sisters approximately 35-40 minutes ago in Mathews/Ronald Ave area. Wearing a black T-shirt, grey sweatpants.

Please…call APD Lt. Kline

Last seen near Bob Evans approximately 20 min ago

Call Police Dispatch 419-289-1911

Crawford County Sheriff’s Office and Ohio State Highway Patrol Searching for Jacob D. Davidson

In a December 29th, 2022, News Release from the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office and the Ohio Highway Patrol

Shortly after 8pm this date the Crawford County Sheriff’s Office was notified that Jacob D. Davidson DOB: 4-26-84 had escaped from Twin Valley Behavioral Health Hospital located at 2200 W. Board St. Columbus, Ohio.

On November 10, 2022 the Crawford County and Morrow County Sheriff’s Office responded to shooting incidents in where one person was injured. A suspect vehicle description was broadcast to local law enforcement. Shortly after receiving the shooting complaints a Bucyrus Police Officer spotted a vehicle matching the description of the shooter’s vehicle and stopped it. Upon making the traffic stop, gunshots were exchanged between the driver and officer. Jacob Davidson was identified as the shooter and taken into custody without injury to himself or the officer.

Davidson was subsequently indicted for Felonious Assault, a Felony of the 1st Degree, Discharging a Firearm on/or near a Prohibited Premises, a Felony of the 3rd Degree and Disrupting Public Services and Improperly Handling Firearms in a Motor Vehicle both Felonies of the 4th Degree. He was ordered to be held on a two-million-dollar bond.

On December 20th, Davidson was transferred from the Crawford County Jail to Twin Valley Behavioral Health Hospital in Columbus, Ohio. The Ohio State Highway Patrol holds jurisdiction over Twin Valley and is investigating the incident. A warrant for Davidson’s arrest is expected to be issued out of Franklin County, Ohio for Escape.

Unknown if Davidson has any weapons, however he should be considered Armed and Dangerous. If you see Davidson or have any information of his whereabouts contact your local law enforcement or 911.

Davidson is described as a white male, 38 years of age being 5’11” tall, weighing 160 lbs. with blue eyes. He was last known to have brown unkept hair with a full beard.

Patrol seeks public assistance in locating dangerous escapee

COLUMBUS – The Ohio State Highway Patrol is currently seeking the public’s assistance in locating a dangerous escapee.

On December 29, Jacob D. Davidson escaped from Twin Valley Behavioral Heath Hospital located at 2200 West Broad Street in Columbus. Davidson, 38, is described as a white male with blue eyes, 5’11” tall and 210 pounds. He was last seen with brown hair and a full beard.

Davidson was being held on numerous felony charges in relation to a November 10 shooting in Morrow County, that led to an officer-involved shooting with the Bucyrus Police Department. He was last seen wearing a red flannel shirt with a maroon t-shirt underneath, blue sweatpants and black Velcro tennis shoes.

Davidson should be considered dangerous. If spotted, do not approach and contact law enforcement immediately.

The Patrol is the investigating agency in this escape. If you have any information on the whereabouts of Mr. Davidson, please contact the Ohio State Highway Patrol at 614-466-2660.