Dog struck in the vicinity of County Road’s 500 & 175, West Salem

Ashland County Dog Warden Joe Eggerton just posted the following:

Anyone out there in the vicinity of County Road’s 500 & 175, West Salem, missing this very sweet but scared young female Golden Retriever? She was picked up after receiving a call, stating that there was a Golden that was hit, curled up laying in the tall weed’s by a creek… possibly dead.

After locating the dog, we noticed the beautiful little girl was hit by a car & desperately in need of medical help. We rushed this poor little girl to Claremont Veterinary Clinic, where she was evaluated, given some shot’s for infection & some pain meds to keep her comfortable. She was immediately transferred to Northview Animal Hospital in Grafton. Currently she has been named “Sandy” by staff to have a name to be referenced by.

If anyone knows where this sweet baby girl belongs, or if you may know who this girls owner is, please message this post, or call the Ashland County Dog Shelter @ (419)-289-1455 with any information, immediately. In addition it is imperative for this girls owner to contact our medical rep from No Pawz Left Behind, Stephanie Krueger @ (419)-651-4516, as she needs the owner to call her because there are many medical decisions going to need to be made regarding this poor baby’s health!

Please send loving prayers for this precious little lady who was hit by a car and left for dead, down an embankment, next to a stream. When we left the vet, she was stable and being loaded for transport to Grafton!