Enderby for Sheriff

I’ve had friends, acquaintances and even some strangers approach or message me and ask, why is it that I so strongly support Chad Enderby for Sheriff? It’s simple really, it says it right on his campaign slogan, EXPERIENCE, LEADERSHIP, INTEGRITY. These are all three qualities that we must have in our next Sheriff. These are three qualities that have been developed in Chad Enderby through training and experience with the Ohio Highway Patrol and as the City of Ashland Human Resources Director.

If we take a close look at Chad Enderbys experience versus his opponent you’ll see a clear distinction between them.

Nearly thirty years of experience and high level training with the Ohio Highway Patrol, with twenty of those years spent climbing the ranks of supervision.

The benefits of time and training spent in a law enforcement supervisory position. Writing policy, enforcing policy, budgeting, working within a budget, analyzing community problems and developing solutions to them, as well as managing others that are required to perform these tasks.

Human relations, the ability to form and maintain collaborative relationships. This is crucial as we look to the future, to bring partner agencies back together to work toward common goals, i.e, bringing city dispatch back to Ashland County.

Chad Enderby has these relationships in place now in his current position as HR Director and he has them in place from his past law enforcement leadership positions.

These are four very brief points that cannot be overlooked. Four very brief points where Chad Enderbys opponent simply does not have the experience.

I’m not writing this based on what I’ve read or what I’ve been told. I’m writing this based on what I know from my experience as a police officer and then as a police supervisor in our community for nearly twenty-eight years. I worked with and along-side both of the candidates running for Sheriff. Chad Enderby is what our county and our sheriff’s office needs! Please join me on or before March 19th and vote for Chad Enderby for Sheriff.


Darcy Baker

Ashland, Ohio