Foundations join forces to expand grant offerings

ASHLAND – Ashland County Community Foundation and The Norma Foundation are pleased to announce a new partnership that will provide additional grant opportunities for nonprofit organizations serving Ashland County.

Thanks to a generous contribution from The Norma Foundation, Ashland County Community Foundation will expand its Community Grants program with the addition of a new grant cycle starting in early 2024.

Prior to this partnership, Ashland County Community Foundation accepted Community Grant applications once each year to provide funding for programs and projects of community-wide benefit. Now, in addition to the regular fall grants, ACCF will have $150,000 available to make grants in the spring.

“We are so grateful to The Norma Foundation for trusting us with this donation, which will allow us to meet more needs and respond to more opportunities through the Community Grants program in the coming years,” said Jim Cutright, ACCF President and CEO. “Ultimately, it’s our community members who will benefit.”

Each year, Cutright said, the foundation receives dozens of worthy applications for Community Grants. The total of the dollars requested always exceeds the dollars ACCF has available.

“We also know that our fall grant cycle may not be a good fit for every program or project,” Cutright said. “If a nonprofit leader misses a deadline or develops a new idea after the application window is closed, they no longer have to wait an entire year to apply for funding.”

The inaugural spring Community Grants cycle awarded in 2024 will be smaller than the fall 2023 cycle, in which $357,342 was awarded. However, in future fiscal years, ACCF plans to shift some funding from the fall cycle to the spring, resulting in similarly-sized pools of dollars available for both cycles.

The Norma Foundation joins a list of 53 donors whose named gifts, along with smaller donations from other individuals and businesses, are pooled to make ACCF’s Community Grants possible.

While ACCF is pleased to grow its grantmaking capacity by entering into this partnership, The Norma Foundation will enjoy the benefits of ACCF’s well-structured Community Grants program.

“We know that Ashland County Community Foundation is well connected with local nonprofits and attuned to the needs of the community,” said Scott Conery, founder of The Norma Foundation. “Our trustees, including Carrie Stewart, Pat Noser and me, are confident in the Community Foundation’s ability to administer these grants with care, from application to follow-up, ensuring the dollars are put to good use.”

Both Cutright and Conery say they hope the relationship between the two foundations will continue to grow over time as both funders strive to make a positive impact in Ashland County.

Nonprofit agencies and other qualifying organizations may apply for Spring 2024 Community Grants online at by March 1. Community Grant requests often fall within the $10,000 to $15,000 range. Questions can be directed to Kristin Aspin, ACCF’s Chief Program Officer, at or (419) 281-4733.

Donors who wish to contribute to the Community Grants program can donate at www.ashlandforgood/donate or contact Jim Cutright at or (419) 281-4733 to establish a named fund for Community Grants.

About Ashland County Community Foundation: Ashland County Community Foundation advances philanthropy and improves the quality of life in Ashland County by connecting people who care with causes that matter. ACCF has awarded over $27 million in scholarships, grants and distributions.

About The Norma Foundation: The Norma Foundation is an Ashland-based, private nonprofit foundation with a business mindset that funds charitable organizations with the aim of furthering the efforts of Norma Jewell. TNF is driven to reward producers with compelling plans in need of monetary support.