Full Video Hearing on Amish from Friday

Full Video Hearing on Amish from Friday

Friday, April 14th, 26 Amish appeared in Ashland Municipal Court, before Judge John Good for refusal to pay buggy light fines.

All thought they were going to jail, and were willing to do so, to show they are not going to comply with Ohio law, that requires flashing lights on their buggies, claiming their religion prevents them from doing so.

However, Judge John Good informed them that the court would be imposing liens on their real estate.

Outside the court room, the younger Amish responded to the question, “Did you win lose or draw?” One younger Amish male believed it was a draw, and seemed happy about it.

Later, when the older males came out, they were furious, claiming this adds a burden to them that was unnecessary. One told me, “The Judge could have sent them to jail and be done with it.” The other older Amish male was very angry, claiming that the Judge could have changed their plea from no contest to not guilty so it could have went to a higher court.

I tried to tell him that a Judge can’t do that. They would have to have plead not guilty, but he was in no mood to listing, shaking his head and telling me I was wrong.

Judge Good believes an Ohio Supreme Court case prohibits him from jailing defendants that refuse to pay fines for non-jailable offenses, even though they may prefer jail.