Governor DeWine Opposes Proposed Redistricting Ballot Initiative

COLUMBUS, Ohio – Ohio Governor Mike DeWine held a press conference earlier today, voicing strong opposition to the proposed ballot initiative on redistricting.

Governor DeWine stated, “If this amendment were to be adopted, Ohio would actually end up with a system that mandates – that compels – map drawers to produce gerrymandered districts. In fact, Ohio would have gerrymandering in the extreme.”

In his prepared remarks, Governor DeWine emphasized the pitfalls of the proposed amendment, arguing that it would mandate gerrymandering by prioritizing proportionality over other considerations such as keeping communities of interest intact and respecting political subdivision boundaries.

Prepared Remarks from Governor Mike DeWine:

Good morning.

Today, I want to discuss redistricting and the efforts to end gerrymandering in Ohio. Our current redistricting provisions, passed with bipartisan support, have proven ineffective and need change. However, the proposed amendment on this fall’s ballot, aimed at eliminating gerrymandering, will not achieve this goal.

Gerrymandering occurs when politicians manipulate geographic borders to maximize elected seats for a particular party. The proposed amendment mandates proportionality, requiring map drawers to create districts based on past statewide partisan election results. This approach forces gerrymandering, leading to extreme gerrymandered districts and widespread voter dissatisfaction.

The amendment’s focus on proportionality supersedes important factors, such as respecting political subdivision lines, keeping communities of interest together, ensuring equal participation of racial, ethnic, and language minorities, and maintaining population equality in districts.

Examples of gerrymandered maps, like those created by Dave’s Redistricting and the Ohio redistricting commission’s democratic members in January 2022, demonstrate how proportionality leads to bizarre and unfair district configurations. These maps split cities, counties, and townships, creating districts with predetermined partisan outcomes, disenfranchising independent voters, and increasing legislative polarization.

The Iowa system offers a better alternative, removing politics from map drawing by prohibiting the use of past voting patterns, ensuring compact districts, and not favoring any political party, incumbent, or member of Congress. This system has been successful for decades, providing a model for Ohio to follow.

In conclusion, the proposed ballot initiative will worsen gerrymandering and require future constitutional revisions. We must defeat this flawed proposal and work towards a solution that truly ends gerrymandering, such as adopting the Iowa system.

After defeating this initiative, I will collaborate with the General Assembly to introduce and vet a resolution, holding hearings and gathering citizen input to place a proper initiative on the ballot for voter approval.

Governor DeWine’s sample maps referenced during the press conference are posted below.

Gerrymandering refers to the manipulation of electoral district boundaries to create an undue advantage for a party, group, or socioeconomic class. This practice undermines fair representation and can lead to disproportionate political power.

Governor DeWine urges Ohioans to reject the proposed amendment and support a system that ensures fair and representative districts.