Loudonville Police Department Chief, Kevin Taylor Retires

In a bittersweet moment, the long serving Chief of Loudonville Police Department, Chief Kevin Taylor retired, yesterday at 3pm. In an emotional last radio call, surrounded by family, and having the Police station full of Officers, Detectives, and friends, Chief Taylor signed off for the last time as chief of Police.

I had the opportunity to ride with Chief Taylor, shortly before he retired. As we patrolled the village of Loudonville, Chief Taylor talked about some of his experience serving the residents of Loudonville.

Chief Taylor graduated high school in 1990, and joined the Ohio National Guard, where he became a Military Policeman, and served from 1991 until 1999.

In 1991, Chief Taylor was hired as a dispatcher with Loudonville Police Department. In 1993, he started the Police Academy at North Central Technical College and was immediately hired as a patrol officer upon completion.

Chief Taylor was promoted to Sergeant in 1998, promoted to Captain in 2003, and finally promoted to Chief of Police in 2008 where he held that position until yesterday.

During his years at Loudonville Police Department, Chief Taylor was a K-9 handler for 2 different Police Dogs, totaling 13-years as a K-9 handler.

Besides being a Field Training Officer (FTO) for Loudonville Police Department, Chief Taylor was a special deputy for Holmes County Sheriff’s Office from 2016 through 2023 and was also a special deputy for the U.S Marshall Service for 4 years.

Chief Taylor has been awarded numerous awards over the years, including Meritorious Conduct Award, Lifesaving Award, Victims of Crime Award, Departmental Leadership Award, Safe Driving Award, and a Sheriff’s Office Accommodation Citation.

Chief Taylor has left big shoes to fill, but he is confident in the abilities of Captain Brian McCauley.

Chief Taylor starts a new chapter in his life today, without taking one day off, Taylor begins a new job as Probation Officer at the Ashland Municipal Court, for the Honorable Judge, John L. Good.

Sgt. Sean Gorrell, of the Loudonville Police Department, commented about a picture of him as a child talking to Officer Kevin Taylor. “I used to see Kevin Taylor patrolling Loudonville. I wanted to be just like him. Then I got to work for him! I hope he enjoys an amazing retirement; he deserves it.”

Captain Brian McCauley now intern Chief said, “I’ve known Kevin Taylor for a long time, as his family had moved into the village of Loudonville in the 70s. They moved in, down the street from where I lived. Kevin‘s dad had taken the job as the Ashland County Game Warden. Since both our fathers were in law enforcement, they became friends. Our mothers became friends as my mother was the area Avon representative.”

Captain McCauley went on to say, “Kevin is nine years younger than I, but he had started his law enforcement career before me. As I took a position as an officer in the Village of Perrysville, Kevin and I would be working nights and occasionally be each other’s back up. I have always admired Chief Taylor’s ability to be calm and steady. Whenever he would help someone he was always more of a mentor instead of being judgmental. As most of his sentences would start with, ‘If I were you.’ He lead from the front.”

Captain McCauley finished by saying, “It has been a pleasure to work for Chief Taylor for the last six years. He has been one, if not the best, bosses I have had in this profession. I will miss our daily interactions with each other, but I am fortunate that he is staying on our auxiliary.”

Sheriff E. Wayne Risner said, “Congratulations to Chief Taylor on his decision to retire. He has certainly served the Loudonville Community extremely well. During his tenure as the Police Chief, he maintained the highest standards for his Department, and he will be missed!

Congratulations to Chief Kevin Taylor and may God Bless you and yours.


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