More Reasons to Vote for Chad Enderby for Sheriff

The election for Ashland County Sheriff includes two political newcomers who have approached this campaign in very different ways. Chad Enderby built a team of local people to help guide his campaign. Chad’s expectations for his supporters were that they be honest, hard-working, and respectful to the voters.

His opponent took a different direction by hiring two outside political consulting firms that are based in the Washington D.C. area. Per the Ashland County Board of Elections public filings, that campaign has spent $21,300 (as of the end of December) to help craft an image. That helps to explain the phone surveys, the unsolicited text messages, and the often-annoying robocalls.

But don’t be fooled by a campaign that has been advised by self-described “tough as nails political veterans.” Look past the rhetoric and look deeper into the facts and you’ll see why Chad Enderby is the best Sheriff candidate for the people of Ashland County.

Chad Enderby spent 30 years in the Ohio State Highway Patrol. During his OSHP career, Enderby received multiple promotions as he moved up through the ranks of supervision and administration. He ultimately was selected to be the Assistant District Commander, Cleveland District OSHP. There Chad managed 240 employees, administered an annual budget in excess of $10,000,000, and oversaw 7 individual highway patrol posts. He has had real, high-level responsibilities and actual management experience.

Take a careful look at the endorsements of both candidates. Chad Enderby’s endorsements include local people with names that you already recognize: the Ashland Fire Local 1386, elected city and county officials, business people, and retired law enforcement officers.

Enderby is developing carefully thought out plans for the future of Ashland County. He has not made rash, simple, politically-expedient claims on 911 dispatch. He understands that the hardware, software, communications, and legal complexities will require the collaborative efforts of many individuals and entities to improve 911 dispatch. There is no quick-fix, easy solution.

Electing Chad Enderby brings us a Sheriff with extensive experience, relevant local endorsements, and the understanding that is needed to develop a cooperative, comprehensive, common sense plan for 911 dispatch.

Please vote for Chad Enderby for Sheriff on Tuesday, March 19th.

Tom M. McNaull

Ashland, OH