Norma Foundation Unveils “The Resiliency Room” at the Ashland Police Division

In a heartfelt gesture of support, the Norma Foundation has once again extended its helping hand to law enforcement, this time with the creation of “The Resiliency Room” at the Ashland Police Division. This innovative space serves as a sanctuary for officers and deputies, and Dispatchers offering a much-needed rest from the rigors of their demanding profession.

Designed as a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation, “The Resiliency Room” addresses the daily stressors faced by law enforcement personnel. In recognition of the long hours and intense pressures inherent in their roles, the foundation has transformed what once were holding cells into a tranquil retreat, complete with massage chair, cozy couches, and soothing fragrances.

Yesterday’s unveiling of this sanctuary proved to be an instance hit among the Officers and Deputies alike, producing a resounding response of gratitude and enthusiasm. Chief of Police David A. Lay emphasized the vital importance of wellness programs for first responders, noting the unique challenges they confront on a daily basis. He expressed heartfelt appreciation to the Norma Foundation for their unwavering commitment to supporting public safety initiatives, which directly benefit the welfare and security of Ashland residents.

Mayor Matt Miller echoed Chief Lay’s sentiments, underscoring the significance of “The Resiliency Room” in providing officers with the means to decompress and refocus after high-stress situations. He praised the foundation for their continued generosity and support, citing their previous contributions toward providing essential equipment like body cameras for law enforcement personnel.

Ashland County Sheriff E. Wayne Risner commended the foundation’s efforts in creating this invaluable resource, describing the room as “absolutely beautiful” and expressing confidence in its positive impact on local law enforcement. He extended heartfelt thanks to Chief Lay and his team for their collaboration in bringing this vision to fruition.

As “The Resiliency Room” opens its doors, it stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of community and compassion that defines Ashland. In offering a space for self-care and rejuvenation, the Norma Foundation has once again demonstrated its unwavering commitment to empowering those who serve and protect our community.

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