Ohio Special Response Team Joins Search



The Ohio Special Response Team and the Ohio Highway Patrol Aviation Unit joined the search for Timothy Metcalf, a 74-year-old, white, male, who simply walked away from his residence in Ashland on Monday, around 8pm, and hasn’t been seen since.

Ashland Police Division Captain, Craig Kiley, said in a phone call today, that they are trying to pin down a direction that Metcalf may have went. No public search has been organized yet. If anyone wants to call the Police Division and leave their phone number we can contact them, if a public search is needed.

Tim was known as a walker and often walked miles, so it is difficult to say with any certainty where he may have went, commented Captain Kiley. Every effort is being deployed in this search.

In a press release on Tuesdays, it was reported that Mr. Metcalf is 5’11”, weighs 185 lbs., with graying hair, a beard, and hazel eyes. He was last seen wearing blue jeans and a navy-blue coat. He likes to frequent parks and nature preserves in the Ashland County area, and walks to them regularly.

Captain Kiley commented, we have been knocking on doors and asking the public and business to look at their cameras to see if they may have caught Mr. Metcalf on their cameras, Monday around 8pm.

On their web-Site https://www.ohiospecialresponseteam.org/ says, “OSRT NEVER SELF DEPLOYS and there is NEVER A CHARGE FOR OUR SERVICES.”

If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of Mr. Metcalf, please contact the Ashland Police Division at (419) 289-3639 or (419) 289-1911.