Retired Loudonville Police Chief Kevin Taylor Receives Proclamation

Loudonville Police Chief, Kevin Taylor, receives Proclamation from Loudonville Mayor, Jason VanSickle, thanking him for all his faithful years of service, as Friends, Family, and other Law Enforcement Officers gathered to a packed out, standing room only, which extended out into the hallway at Tuesday’s City Council meeting.

After the Proclamation was read and presented to retired Chief Taylor, the room erupted in a round of applause, giving retired Chief Taylor a standing ovation.

The Proclamation read as follows:

WHEREAS, Kevin D. Taylor has announced his retirement from the Village of Loudonville, effective August 31, 2023, culminating 32 years of distinguished service in the Police Department; and

WHEREAS, he began his tenure as a Dispatcher in 1991, where his interest in law enforcement developed, and he was subsequently sworn in as an Auxiliary Police Officer in 1992; and

WHEREAS, on March 6, 1995, Chief Taylor took the Oath of Office as a full-time Police Officer, where he began his journey moving up through the ranks; and

WHEREAS, his leadership skills became evident and was awarded the following promotions:

March 24, 1999 Appointed Police Sergeant

June 14, 2002 Appointed Police Captain

June 1, 2008 Appointed Acting Chief

July 11, 2008 Appointed Chief of Police

WHEREAS, Chief Taylor has steadfastly served the citizens of our Village with distinction, always faithfully and impartially performing his duties as Chief of Police; and

WHEREAS, these years have been marked by his exemplary work ethic, excellent moral character, and his ability to get along well with all those he came in contact with on a daily basis, both residents and co-workers alike, and he will be greatly missed by all.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, I, Jason Van Sickle, do hereby extend sincere congratulations to Chief Taylor on his retirement from the Village, and do hereby urge all citizens to join me in expressing gratitude for his outstanding years of service to our community.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this Proclamation be placed upon the official records of our Village. In witness whereof, I do hereby cause the Seal of the Village of Loudonville to be affixed on this 5th day of September 2023.