Retired Mansfield Cop Writes About “The One Night That Still Haunts Me”

True Story by Timothy Clark · Illustration by Sishir Bommakanti

Just as we stopped in front of the home, which seemed to have light blazing from every window, the call was updated: it was an infant in trouble.

I was out the passenger-side door in a heartbeat, bypassing the two steps up to the porch. As I reached for the door it flew open and I was met by a chunky middle-aged woman, a well-worn robe draped over her long, pink nightgown. She was screaming hysterically. A mixture of tears and mascara streaked her face.

“Do something! Please do something!” she screamed, as she thrust an infant, wrapped in a blanket, into my arms. “He’s not breathing!”

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I Was a Cop for 31 Years. This Is the One Night That Still Haunts Me. It was the first and last time I cried on the job.