Richland County Sheriff Candidate Matt Mayer is Asking for your Vote

  Message from Richland County Sheriff Candidate Matt Mayer

“I want to be your Republican nominee for Richland County Sheriff, and I would appreciate your vote on March 19, 2024. As a lifelong resident of Richland County and a lifelong member of St. Mary’s parish, I am deeply connected to this community. Growing up in Mifflin township in a family of 12, who were all public servants, I learned the importance of serving and protecting our community from a young age.

Matt Mayer

I have been married for 39 years to my high school sweetheart Beverly, and together we have three children and four grandchildren. Now, I am ready to dedicate my experience, education, and expertise to serving as the Sheriff of Richland County.”

Matt Mayer Education and History

Matt Mayer has an impressive educational background and extensive experience in law enforcement. He is a graduate of Madison High School, The Ohio State University, and the Ohio State Patrol Basic Police Academy. Throughout his career, he has accumulated thousands of hours of police training, equipping him with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively serve and protect the community.

Mayer has 36 years of experience as a peace officer, with 28 ½ of those years spent at the Richland County Sheriff’s Office. He has also worked with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District Police, also known as Ranger, and spent 6 years with the Richland County Court Services. Currently, he serves as a Northern Ohio region Ranger supervisor under the Chief of MWCD police.

Matt Mayer Experience

Throughout his career, Matt Mayer has held various roles within law enforcement, allowing him to gain extensive experience and expertise in different areas. He has worked as a Dispatcher, Correction Officer, Major Crimes Supervisor, Patrol Supervisor, and Crime Lab/Evidence Collection and Processing. He has assisted in the administration of MWCD Rangers directly under the Chief.


 Matt Mike and Steve at the Polar Bear Plunge

Mayer’s experience extends to working on a wide range of cases, including homicides, violent crimes, rape, kidnapping, robbery, sex crimes, drug crimes, burglaries, theft, fraud, crimes against the elderly, and child abuse. He has been involved in hundreds of search warrants, formed task forces to pursue organized and habitual criminals, and has recovered thousands of stolen items, returning them to their rightful owners.

Focal Points

As the Sheriff of Richland County, Matt Mayer intends to focus on several key areas to ensure the safety and well-being of the community. His focal points include:

Administration: Mayer aims to administer the deputies and other employees in a fair and just manner. He believes in providing them with the necessary resources, education, and training to effectively protect the community against violent and property crimes.

School Safety: Mayer is committed to protecting our schools and ensuring a safe learning environment for students. He understands the importance of safeguarding our children’s future and will work tirelessly to address any safety concerns within schools.

Protection of the Elderly and Youth: Mayer recognizes the vulnerability of the elderly and youth population. He is dedicated to protecting them against abuse, neglect, and fraud, striving to create a safe environment for these individuals to thrive and flourish.

Drug Crimes and Human Trafficking: Mayer acknowledges the detrimental impact of drug crimes and human trafficking on communities. He will prioritize combating these crimes and work diligently to dismantle the networks involved in these illicit activities.

Administrative Tasks

As the Sheriff of Richland County, Matt Mayer will handle numerous administrative tasks to ensure the smooth functioning of the sheriff’s office. These tasks include:

Jail Management: Mayer will address concerns such as correction officer turnover and deaths in the jail. He aims to implement effective strategies to improve jail operations and ensure the safety and well-being of all inmates.

Special Units: Mayer will maintain and oversee various special units within the sheriff’s office, such as METRICH, Fugitive Task Force, Crime Lab, K-9, Drones, Dive team (search and rescue-water rescue), SWAT, Major Crimes, and Criminal Patrol. He recognizes the importance of these units in addressing different aspects of crime and ensuring a comprehensive approach to law enforcement.

Budget Management: Mayer will be responsible for managing the budget revenue and expenditures of the sheriff’s office. This involves making projections, estimating budgets, and working closely with Commissioners and the Auditor to ensure efficient allocation of funds, fees, grants, and payroll. He will ensure that the budget aligns with the needs of the sheriff’s office and the community.

Policy and Procedure Development: Mayer will assess the sheriff’s office’s functions and operations. He plans to conduct studies and research to formulate effective policies and procedures that will benefit employees and the public. Training will be provided to ensure the successful implementation of these policies, reducing criminal and civil actions as well as injuries to the sheriff’s office employees and the public.


Matt Mayer brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and dedication to the role of Richland County Sheriff. His lifelong commitment to public service, combined with his strong educational background and extensive law enforcement experience, make him a highly qualified candidate for the position. If elected, Mayer promises to prioritize the safety and well-being of the community, working diligently to address key areas such as school safety, protection of the elderly and youth, and combating drug crimes and human trafficking. With Matt Mayer as the Richland County Sheriff, the community can feel confident in their safety and security.

Matt with his Wife Bev and Granddaughter Ellie