Savannah Volunteer Fire Company Hosts 20th Annual Chicken BBQ & Car Show

Today marks the 20th Annual Chicken BBQ and Car Show hosted by the Savannah Volunteer Fire Company, an event eagerly anticipated by the local community. Starting at 3 PM, attendees can enjoy a delicious meal for $12.00, with payments accepted in cash or by check. The event, known for its hearty food and impressive car displays, also serves as a crucial fundraiser for the fire company.

I spoke with Fire Chief Steve Dinsmore about the logistics and preparations behind the event. “We’re roughly looking at around 1800 pounds of chicken,” Dinsmore said. “We have 880 halves of chicken this year, all donated by Case Farms, who were a big sponsor for us. This year, we had a lot of people step up and donate materials. Home City Ice donated all the ice for the drinks. There’s a whole list of donors I don’t have complete list, but many businesses and community members have contributed.”

The fire company uses approximately 30 bags of charcoal, 100 pounds of potatoes, and 42 pounds of macaroni salad. The baked beans alone were described as “a mountain.” Dinsmore added, “The community also stepped forward to donate pies and cookies again this year. We’re really excited. It should be a good year for us.”

This fundraiser is vital for the Savannah Volunteer Fire Company, particularly for maintaining and upgrading their equipment. “This helps with our second squad, a 2006 model. We’re completely renovating it with a new airbag suspension system, going through the brake lines, brake chambers, and everything from top to bottom. It’s getting a facelift. The lead time on new vehicles is close to three years now,” Dinsmore explained.

The event also features a car show, attracting an average of 100 cars each year. Despite the morning rain, Dinsmore was pleased with the turnout. “We have well over 50 cars right now, and we still have three hours to check in and get judged. It’s been a good morning,” he said.

Reflecting on the event’s history, Dinsmore shared, “I’ve been involved long before I was officially on the department. I joined the fire company in 1990, right after graduating. But even before that, it was a community event. In the late ’80s, the community came together and got this thing done.”

The Savannah Volunteer Fire Company has a rich history dating back to 1882. The fire company began with the recommendation to build cisterns for fire purposes. By 1889, only one cistern and several wells were available, and a new engine, hose, and suction hose were added in 1894. Over the years, the company evolved, forming a new fire company in 1897 and eventually becoming a corporation in 1952. Today, the Savannah Volunteer Fire Company remains a cornerstone of the community, dedicated to serving and protecting its residents.

For those wishing to contribute, donations of supplies, monetary gifts, and food are welcomed. Questions can be directed to Dannielle Martin at 740-501-8888 or Jonathan Martin at 567-217-1538.