“Speaking Out: Ashland County Leaders Unite to Address Concerns over Issue 2”

A group of prominent Ashland County leaders, including Ashland County Prosecutor Christopher R. Tunnell, Ashland County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff E. Wayne Risner, Former Ashland County Prosecutor Robert DeSanto, Ashland County Commissioner Vice President Denny Bittle, Candidate for Ashland County Sheriff Kurt Schneider, and Candidate for Ashland County Sheriff Chad Enderby, have come together to express their concern regarding Issue 2.

In a display of unity, these respected individuals highlight the potential negative repercussions this issue may have on the county. Their professional tone of voice carries a sense of sincerity as they explain their deep reservations.

Their collective expertise brings a weight to their concerns, emphasizing the importance of the issue at hand.

As Ashland County continues to navigate the complexities of governance and community development, these leaders’ concerns shed light on the potential consequences, urging the public to take a closer look at the issue and understand its impact on the State and County’s future.

Ashland County Prosecutor Christopher R. Tunnell on Issue 2

Ashland County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff E. Wayne Risner Talks on Issue 2

Former Ashland County Prosecutor Robert DeSanto on Issue 2

Ashland County Commissioner Vice President Denny Bittle on Issue 2

Kurt Schneider candidate for Ashland County Sheriff on Issue 2

Chad Enderby candidate for Ashland County Sheriff on Issue 2