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  • Writer's pictureJoe Lyons

The Devastating Reality of Domestic Violence

Richland County - In a chilling incident that unfolded on Saturday November, 11th the Richland County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of suspicious activity. Little did they know that this call would lead them to uncover the horrifying realities of domestic violence. The severity of the situation was so severe that the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation was called in to process the scene.

At 5:09 pm, a Richland County Sheriff's Office Deputy received a report of suspicious activity from dispatch. According to the Sheriff's report, the deputy immediately made contact with the reporting party, who informed them that a victim had just been brought to the Avita Hospital emergency room with severe bruises, as if someone had brutally beaten her. Disturbingly, the victim couldn't remember what had happened.

The victim, whose identity is being protected, exhibited signs of brutal physical assault. The attending doctor described the extent of the injuries, including swollen shut eyes, bruises behind the ears suggesting possible skull fractures, bleeding from the ears, and bruising on the inner thighs, indicating potential sexual assault. The victim also bore bruises and swelling on the neck, indicating strangulation.

The reporting party informed the deputy that the victim had last made contact on November 9, 2023, but subsequent attempts to reach her had failed. Concerned about her well-being, the reporting party contacted William Smith, who claimed that the victim was asleep and would call back later. However, the victim never returned the call.

This wasn't the first instance of alleged domestic violence in the relationship.

The reporting party revealed that the victim had suffered a black eye a month ago, dismissing it as an accident resulting from playful roughhousing with William Smith. The friend further divulged that Smith was not only possessive of the victim but also displayed controlling behavior towards her entire family. The victim was not allowed to visit friends or interact with her nieces and nephews. Shockingly, it was revealed that Smith had even placed a tracker on the victim's phone to monitor her every move.

When asked about the duration of the relationship between the victim and William Smith, the reporting party shared that they had been together, on and off, for several years and had been cohabiting at the listed location for approximately 6 to 9 months. The victim's reluctance to take action against Smith stemmed from her fear of him returning to prison. Smith was currently on parole, and the victim did not want to bear the responsibility for his incarceration.

Authorities wasted no time in apprehending the suspected offender, William Smith, the 40-year-old male 6’2 and weighing 224lbs and is now incarcerated in the Richland County Jail. He is charged with rape, felonious assault, and probation violation. This arrest provides a glimmer of hope for the victim, as she can now pursue justice and begin her journey towards healing and recovery.

In conclusion, the Richland County Sheriff's Office deputy's encounter with a suspicious activity call exposed a distressing case of domestic violence. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need to address and eliminate domestic violence from our society. By supporting victims, raising awareness, and fostering a culture of respect, we can work towards a world free from the horrors of domestic abuse.

1 Comment

Nov 14, 2023

The sad part is they slap them on the wrist and they get away with it again and again till they end up killing the woman, I’m one of the lucky ones, I made it out alive but so many woman don’t…it’s pathetic how they make excuses for the abusers makes me sick….praying for her and everyone who has to deal with this

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