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  • Writer's pictureJoe Lyons

The Metcalf Family

URGENT - PLEASE SHARE!! Updated post 3/9/23

Dear Family, Friends, and Helpful Strangers, We are still desperately trying to find our Dad, Husband, and Grandfather, Tim Metcalf. We believe that he was headed out of Ashland, Ohio, west along the railroad tracks. Please urge anyone who lives on the west side of Ashland near Baney Road and beyond towards Mansfield, Ohio, to check their outbuildings, wooded areas and even fields for any signs of him. Our family and friends are willing to walk any property, but we can’t do this alone, so if you have friends, neighbors, or relatives that live in that area, please take the time to contact them and, with property owner’s permission, to walk those areas or notify us to do so. We believe he traveled beyond the city limits. Should you come across him or find evidence of his whereabouts, please call either the Ashland County Sheriff’s Office or the Ashland Police Division. Thank you, and please continue praying for him and our family. We are forever grateful for your help.

– The Metcalf Family


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