Transformation Network has acquired Paid in Full

Ashland – Transformation Network has acquired Paid in Full and is now fully operating the ministry.

“Paid in Full offers a hand up to those in our community that need assistance with getting their needs met. Transformation Network provides life changing opportunities for those who need second chances. This new ministry venture allows Transformation Network’s New Steps participants to learn how to run and operate a store, while offering those who need a hand up assistance. Seeing this happen is truly a blessing.” says Executive Director Kelly Smith. “We are looking to keep things at Paid in Full the same for now. You will continue to see the familiar faces of former President of Paid in Full, Mandy Heilman, and Facebook favorite, Dan Brandt, at the store.

Paid in Full provides many wonderful benefits to the community. Every month on the third Thursday, they serve a community meal. On average, 70 people a month are served. Books donated to Paid in Full help fill the little libraires around the community. Paid in Full also provides clothing assistance to those in the Domestic Violence shelter as well as a time for payment option for those who can’t pay cash for their purchases. “With Transformation Network taking over the ministry, we will be able to build and grow on the amazing start Mandy has had at Paid in Full.” said Smith.

We would love for the community to come out and see the store and all the amazing things we have to offer. Store hours have been expanded to accommodate more shoppers’ schedules. Visit our Facebook page Paid in Full of Ashland Ohio Ministry for exact dates and times.

Transformation Network’s mission is to inspire people to fulfill their purpose as God’s Masterpiece. We do this by providing life changing opportunities through work and providing opportunities for people to learn and build relationships with Jesus Christ.

Visit or call 419-207-1188 for further information.